Flesh And Blood

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As Enkaku's will to continue living began to fade like a burning candle, the black lily could not help the evil smile that formed on his lips. He waited so long for this moment, that now the chains that kept him prisoner in the sinner's body will disappear and freedom will rest on the top of his hands. Finally, a body of his own, no more sharing with another soul.

However, even if Enkaku had disappeared from the entire earth. Currently, the black flower is a prisoner of the Zenin clan and cannot use his cursed energy, so breaking free from those chains could be difficult. Being used as a weapon once again, that was something the flower wanted to avoid at all costs. The first time he lost his eyes, but it was because he decided to trust Michizane, the worst thing he did in his entire life. Thanks to him, the black flower lost everything, and that drove him to madness.

Still he couldn't get revenge on Michizane. Since at that time, he was weaker than the sorcerer, especially since he took away the six eyes of their original owner. Using their power, Michizane was able to protect himself from the black flower's wrath, but half of the Gojo clan perished. And in that same battle, the black lily lost against that despicable man, becoming a flower that was sealed deep in the forest.

The black lily suffered his entire life as a human, being betrayed time and time again, even that sweet man who promised never to leave his side or cause him harm, betrayed his trust. Choosing to believe in the words Michizane spoke, instead of trusting the black flower.

"This time I will slaughter each and every human, Michizane! That will make you regret everything you did."


Saeko burst into Naobito's room, anger present in her voice as she spoke. "You promised to capture Satoru along with the black spider lily, why didn't you do something then instead of standing there like a coward?"

Naobito touched his mustache while frowning heavily. "You don't have the status to claim anything against me, so you better return home if you value your life."

"Maybe she doesn't, but I do." Yae entered the room, looking at Naobito with disgust.

"I thought the head of the family was gone, forgive my rudeness." Naobito didn't mean any of the words he said.

"I'm not here to argue with you, I just came to warn you." Yae couldn't help but grin. "My grandson is still alive, after all, the lily couldn't kill him that easily. And I'm pretty sure Toji and his son aren't dead either."

"How are you so sure about that? The black spider lily wishes for the demise of humanity."

"That's true, but the red flowers are not controlled by the black flower." Yae confessed. "The red spider lilies belong to Enkaku, Satoru's former lover, so that man would never hurt the blessed one."

Naobito couldn't help but laugh. "But even if that were the case, the black flower is now in my hands."

"My grandson will definitely come to save him, and you won't be able to stop him."

While Yae continued her conversation with Naobito, Saeko took this opportunity to visit the dungeon, with the plan to end the life of the black spider lily. If that man disappears, no one will stand in her way of obtaining Satoru's love. Right now the flower is vulnerable, there might be a chance for Saeko, even if everyone claims that the only one who can exorcise the black spider lily is Satoru the Blessed One.

She expected to find someone guarding the entrance to the dungeon, however, not a single guard was near the entrance. It seems that Naobito doesn't trust his clan members to protect such an important place, or maybe he didn't see any point in assigning someone to protect such a dangerous place. Whatever the case, this benefits Saeko, she can now reach her destination faster than expected.

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