Sinking Into The Darkness

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Out of nowhere, Toji, Megumi, and Satoru appeared inside the shrine, in the main room. It was all thanks to the red spider lilies, the flowers fulfilled their master's last wish, before returning to Renka's body.
As soon as he arrived, the blessed one prepared to leave, because Enkaku had to be saved from the hands of the Zenin clan.

However, a hand grabbed his wrist, preventing Satoru from moving a muscle.

"Don't do anything reckless, you should calm down first."

Toji was aware that Satoru couldn't think clearly in this situation, and that was confirmed the moment he touched the blessed one. If his mind was calm, then touching him would be impossible, since Satoru's infinity is always activated protecting him at all times.

"How can you tell me to stay calm? I must save him no matter what." Satoru couldn't hide the anguish in his voice, and worry flooded his heart.

He usually never showed such emotions in front of others, but this time he couldn't control his feelings. There was an immense fear of losing Enkaku, drowning Satoru deep in the dark abyss, a prison from which he would not be able to escape if he failed to save the person he loved. There were many things that the blessed one wanted to change, not wanting to make the same mistake he made in the past. However, you can't change anything if you don't remember your previous lives.

In recent years Satoru researched on how to recover those lost memories, he never found a single clue, there was nothing that could at least give him an idea. But it wasn't strange, since he is a completely different person now. Remembering a life he never lived was much more complex than a reincarnation. The only thing that remains within his body and that unites him to the previous blessed ones is his soul.

A pure soul that is unable to rest in peace, remaining chained to the cycle of rebirth, until the Thousand Year War finally ends. Although everyone believes that everything will end once the curse of the spider lilies is broken, they are far from knowing the truth. No one can deny the fact that the three great clans were cursed by the spider lilies, but that has nothing to do with the cataclysm that brings forth the unending battle.

Because the curse that fell on the three great clans only affected one member of each clan. And it's not even a threat, since the one who placed the curse was not the black spider lily, it was Enkaku who decided to chain three individuals with a curse. The reincarnation of Kageura Kyrie will be born with the red spider lilies inside his body, turning him into a dangerous curse. The reincarnation of the blessed will always fall in love with Enkaku, making him unable to kill the sinner. And finally, the reincarnation of a specific member of the Zenin clan; Cursed to repeat the same events of his life in each last of his reincarnations, just so he can be reunited with the one he loves.

None of this contributed to the awakening of the cataclysm, it was just an excuse, the three great clans wanted to blame someone. So all the lies and anger fell on Enkaku's shoulders, making him the villain of his false story. The Enkaku is the supposed reincarnation of the man who massacred almost all the members of the Gojo clan years ago, summoning the grotesque creatures that lived in hell using all the blood spilled, causing the first cataclysm.

But there was never a reincarnation, the black spider lily turned into a flower when its life came to an end. A flower that resides deep in the forest, waiting for an innocent soul to make a wish. That's all Satoru could recover about the true events that occurred in the past, but there is more, the reason behind why the black spider lily did such atrocious things when he was still a human. And why does his hatred towards Satoru still persist even after so many years have passed?

The blessed one wanted to ask Enkaku about the black flower's past, to find out what the Gojo clan did to him. But now he can't get the answers he wanted, or so he thought.

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