More of Maya

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Maya was lying on the sofa as her phone rang.


"Hey, it's Charlie."


"So you know our catch-up coffee?"


"What are you doing today, in maybe an hour?"

"Having coffee with you, once you've met me outside my door?"

"Correct! 5 points to Gryffindor! Do you still live in the same place?"

"Oh... yeah, no. I moved."

"Where to?"

"Talbot Road, Notting Hill."

"Ok I guess that's a start...!"

"Whatever! I'll meet you by the start of Northumberland Place?"

"Ok." he said and hung up.

They entered the Starbucks and Maya grabbed them two squishy sofas while Charlie went to order. As he came back he smiled, "The squishy sofas! Typical Maya!"

"Well they are the best!" she pouted. "I can't believe you ordered for me without asking what I wanted! You'd better have gotten it perfect! In fact, I bet you a fiver you didn't get it right!"

" You're on! I got you one... caramel espresso with cream and an extra shot of... wait for it... CARAMEL!!" he laughed "you should have seen your face! You thought that I'd gotten it wrong, then your face when I got it right! I think you owe me a fiver!" he smiled.

"Well I'm not sure that I want to pay it, since you took so long talking to the bartender!"

"Ooh! Is someone getting jealous!" he taunted.

"No, just suffering from lack of beverageness, you dick!"

"Yeah I believe that! Now give me my fiver!"

"You suck Charlie." she said as she got out her purse "but I know that you'll never let it go, you're such a stinge when it comes to bets and money!"

"I know! Well you are my only constant source of income!" he said smiling.

"Oi! What about the constant source of income that took you around the world!? What have you been up to for the past five years then?"

"Well I went to America which was great, New York's amazing and I met some really great people there."

"Really? I've always wanted to go to New York..." she said, pensively.

"Yeah. Didn't make much money though!"

"I hate you Charlie." she said, hitting him.

"Aw I missed you too Maya!" he said, hugging her.

"Get off me you rapist!" she said, laughing.

"Jeez! Didn't mean to offend!" he said, also laughing.

"Your face offends!"

"Not as much as yours!"

They started to mock argue, and continued on like that while they caught up, as only good friends know how to.

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