"You must need money," Mr. Sunn said not believing him either.

"How much can you spare?" John B asked. "Yeah, us, sorry. Just kidding. Actually, we were going through some of our father's stuff, and I, uh... I found this letter. It's from a local landowner. I was wondering if you could translate it. Um... It's in Gullah, and I remember that from our local history unit."

"It's gratifying to know some of it sunk in," Mr. Sunn said suprised.

"Yeah, some of it."

"Yeah... Even though you two spent half the class of surf break," Mr. Sunn continued.

"Only the big swells," we both said.

"So, uh, the letter."

"Ah... dated... 1844. "To my beloved son Robert. I am waiting the... hour of my public murder with... great composure of mind and cheerfulness, knowing I am soon bound for glory."" Mr. Sunn read off.

"He was lynched," me and JB said.

""Do not nurse grief of vengeance, but instead trust in God with all your heart, for he doeth all things well. Until we meet again in heaven, your loving father, Denmark Tanny."" he finished reading.

"So that's it?"

"There's a postscript, but it's just a planter's log," he told us.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can you read that for us, actually?" John B asked quickly.

""Matters applicable to the property and the estate." Uh, "'bacca, cotton, corn, tomato. But, lastly, to Robert..."" Mr. Sunn continued to read off.

"That's his son," me and John B told him.


""Harvest the wheat near the water in parcel nine forthwith." That's it," he finished reading off.

"On the day that he dies, he writes a letter to his son telling him to harvest the wheat?" John B asked.

"It's a little odd, to be honest, but look..." he pointed us to the picture on the letter, it looked like just plain old wheat to me, but John B's face said different.

"Mr. Sunn. I-- I can't tell you how much this means to me," John B stuttered. "You just... you just helped us out so much. Thank you. Uh... I-- I hope you have a great summer, and I'll see you this fall."

He dragged me out of the room, both of us taking off down the hallway.



John B went to find JJ, and told me to find a dress and meet them at the beach beside the Cameron house.

I went to Kie's house to borrow a dress so I could sneak into the party with the boys.

Kie and her parents were already at the party so would this be considered breaking and entering? Yes.

I climbed up the ladder I had put there a couple of years ago since I was banned from their house.

I came there drunk one time, it's a long story.

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