Fire bursts from windows as Backdraft continued trying to putting out the fire, "Let's hold back the damage until then!"

"Don't worry, I'm sure someone will be here soon!" Kamui said bringing someone up to the roof a building that held more people, "I feel bad for that child, but he'll just have to bear it a little longer."

"Damn it! If only I had enough power to blow that guy away!"

Back where the people were safer, they kept on watching as All Might arrived at the scene.

"Hey, doesn't it look kinda bad?"

"You can do it, heroes!"

People said as the blond male looked and saw the villain, making his eyes widen.

'It was back then! I was too distracted by my time limit! I can't believe I made a mistake like this after admonishing that fan. And where is Young Gojo...She should've dealt with that by now. Pathetic...Pathetic...' He thought gripping his wound that was under from shirt.


Midoriya was walking on the sidewalk as he was looking down at his damaged notebook. 

"He still can't face reality, even though he's already a third year in junior high."

"It's time for you to think seriously about your future."

"You also have to consider what's realistic." 

Voices said in the teen's head as he closed the notebook and let out a sigh, 'Even a top pro said it.' He thought with teary eyes, 'Don't cry! You knew, didn't you? The reality. You knew. That's why you were trying so desperately. You were averting your eyes, not looking at reality.' A rumble then interrupted his train of thoughts and look, 'Is this where the explosion earlier was...? Hang on, does that mean I came out of habit without noticing?' He then proceeded to cross the road and join the crowd of people.

'Stop it. It'll just feel meaningless right now.' He moved his head a few time before his eyes widen, 'Why's that guy here?! Did it get away from All Might?! Did he drop it? If he did...' He then spoke out loud, "...then it's my fault..."

"Why aren't the heroes doing anything?" Someone asked.

"They can't. Apparently the villain caught a junior high schooler. It's been like that for a while."

Midoriya overheard them and turned back to the scene, 'Caught...? It's been like that for a while? How can they bear that suffocation? I thought I'd die after a few seconds. Wow...'

"Anyway, wasn't that villain the one All Might was chasing earlier?"

"All Might? No way! He's here?"

"I think I saw him earlier."

"Seriously?! Then what's All Might doing?!"

The said hero looked down at the ground, while the green haired teen was covering mouth with his hands, as he started to shake.

'It's my fault...! He can't do anything!' 


'He can't catch that guy. All we can do is wait for a hero with a more suitable quirk!'

All Might gripped his shirt more, 'Pathetic...'

'Do your best! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!'


'Help will arrive soon!'


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