Chapter Four: Okay

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The next day, after Paige left, my mom asks, "So did you have fun?"

"Totally," I tell her.

I head down into our basement to practice my dances. I just have to beat Maddie this time, even if I don't make it to the top of the pyramid, my mom will still be happy for me, I say to myself.

This week, my solo is called People Help the People. I really like it, but I wish the choreography was better.

The rest of the day, my solo song is still stuck in my head. But I'm glad because I really like the song. I think my mom does too.

At dance, Miss Abby's additude us the same as yesterday's. But now she's yelling at everyone: Nia, Kenzie, Kendall, me. But still not Maddie.

Everyone, even Melissa, is getting annoyed by how Abby's treating us. I think that Abby should at least treat us a little bit better.

As we run through our group dance, Amber Alert, Miss Abby is still yelling at us to fix things.

After dance class Miss Abby pulls pulls me aside. "Why are you feeling so down lately?"

"I don't really know," I tell her.

"Well suck it up, because there's some tough competition this weekend." An answer Abby always says, I think to myself. "Okay?" asks Abby.


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