Synderwood Psychiatric Hospital

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From the personal diary of patient 110 - Kyle James.

"I'm safe in here. These walls of cloth and rubber protect me from what's outside. I sit in my cell alone. A small ray of sunlight, the only evidence that there is anything else outside this room.

In here I am safe, and in a place like Fells Glen, finding a safe place is like trying to fly a plane through the eye of a needle. People have tried, but they've only ended up with their heads in the Silver Salmon River or worse.

I love my daughter and my wife. Love, loved, all sense of time is lost in this place. It's been years since I've had the taste of my wife's pumpkin pie. I can barely remember the creamy sweet flavour. The crust was something she had to work on but the filling was divine.

Maybe once I get out of here, she'll make it for me. It'll have to wait though because it's not safe outside.

This place, this place of the sick, this is the only place where I know I will be safe.

The axe had been in the toolshed, and the back door would make too much noise if I went for it, so I had to make do with the poker in the fireplace. There was no way I would allow this town to take my wife and beautiful infant from me.

It was dark in the house as I searched the rooms. I know it was there and the scared expression of my Maria told me that she knew it too.

She wanted me to stop, probably scared that if I found something, she might lose me.

Bless her.

We all hid in the bathroom and I could hear the creature outside the door. It was looking for us, this thing, born in this damned town. That was when the baby started crying. It would find us if that baby wasn't crying.

My wife started screaming when I covered the baby's mouth and nose with my hand but the creature was right outside the door. It would only be a few moments before it found us and my wife wouldn't stop screaming, so I silenced her too.

Loved, love. All sense of time is lost in this place, and I miss her pumpkin pie. Maybe she'll make it for me once I get out."

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