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The meeting with my mother at that time was not planned, nor did I expect such a bad attitude towards Sanem, I knew she didn't like her but I couldn't think thats he would treat her so snobbishly and insult her so openly.

This attitude of her has definitively broken any kind of relationship with me, I can't tolerate her treating my wife like that, and I don't want to have anything to do with such a person.

I'm in the agency dealing with the avalanche of work that has descended on us after winning the prize. It's a great satisfaction for everyone, but I'm especially happy for my father who has found the agency running as smoothly as he left it. Despite my personal problems over the last few months, Deren and the creative team have managed to keep everything running smoothly, so I'm really proud of them.

I'm deep in thought when I hear a knock on my office door, look up and am confronted with yet another unpleasant surprise.
Smiling and relaxed as if nothing had happened, Polen enters my office with her usual bravado.

- Günaydın, good morning Can, I've been looking for you for a while, they told me you were out, I wanted to talk to you for a moment....

She leans with her hands on the desk and leans towards me maybe to kiss me on the cheek as she used to do, but I move away getting up and going towards the window, I turn my back for a moment to collect my thoughts then I go back to look at her seriously - Polen, why are you here? Why did you look for me? Haven't I made it clear enough that I don't want to see you again? Get out of my life Polen, forever, I don't want you to come to the agency, I don't want to talk to you, we have nothing to say to each other, do you understand or not? -

She comes towards me with her hands outstretched as if to embrace me, just at that moment Sanem enters through the door, she came with me to town this morning to meet her publisher and evidently decided to join me for lunch.

She looks at her and looks at me, for a moment I fear she has misunderstood but I see her reach out a hand towards me confidently - Can? - I move towards her to take her hand and shake it at my side, Polen looks at us incredulously.

-Polen, as I was telling you a while ago, we have nothing more to say to each other, everyone has to go their own way and mine is with my wife Sanem and my son. I hope it's finally clear now that I don't want to see you anymore, you almost managed to ruin my life, you almost made me lose the only woman I could ever love. The fault is mine though, I allowed you to get close to us while I had to cut off every relationship with you right away, but I couldn't think you were such a mean and devious person. Hoşçakal, goodbye Polen, I hope I will never see you again -

She takes a deep breath as if to speak, but evidently my eloquent gaze makes her understand that it's not the case to try so she walks past us strutting and unhappy leaving the agency and hopefully our lives forever.

- Wow Can, I've never heard you talk to anyone like that -

I hug her tightly while a shiver runs down my spine at the thought that because of that woman I could have lost her forever, I shake my head to drive away the terror that has been my faithful companion until I managed to find her and convince her of my love.

- I had to be as clear as possible Sanem, it's not the first time I told her to stay away from me, if she came here today she obviously hadn't understood yet, I couldn't do otherwise.

But let's also leave this ghost of the past behind, come Mrs Divit, I'll take you out to lunch, let's continue to live our lives and leave these sad and lonely people to their fate aşkım, my love -

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