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From the day he took me to the check-up for the first time, everything changed, our relationship took a new course characterised by a much deeper and more intimate bond.

The nights spent hugging each other in sweet and desperate embraces, so much so that we both missed it during the months apart, the days spent together in a harmony that we had never known in the past, everything was magical and special.

I'm as happy as ever even if I'm starting to think that this bubble we've created for ourselves can't last forever, we have to start thinking about the future and what will happen in a few months.

Can doesn't seem to be worried at all, in the last few days he has started to work again and, in order not to disturb me while he is talking on the phone or in videoconference with Deren and the creative team, he often goes on the boat to work. I can see him distinctly from the terrace at home while he is on the phone sitting in the bow of the boat talking and taking notes.

I can't believe it's really happening, for now only Elisa knows that we are back together, she opened the door one evening and found us on the doorstep smiling and holding hands. She was delighted with the turnaround in our relationship, we invited her to dinner to tell her the details of our rapprochement and we could not help but thank her for the support she gave us first in Ischia and then here in Camogli.

A few days ago Layla called me to tell me, all excited, that she is engaged to Emre and that soon she will come home to ask for his hand officially. I'm very happy for my big sister who has finally achieved her dream of love with the man she has secretly loved for years.

Can, for his part, received a phone call from Emre who told him the news of the engagement and asked him when he plans to return because he would like to have him close by on the night he goes to officially ask for Layla's hand in marriage.

Here's where things start to get complicated, we can't continue to live in a suspended dimension out of this world, we have to make important decisions and we have to do it pretty quickly.

My book is almost ready to be launched, and Mr. Özkan, once he knew about my condition, told me that at this point we had better hurry up the publication so that I can wait for some presentation meetings before my overdue pregnancy prevents me from doing so.

On the one hand I am happy to be back, I miss Turkey and I miss my family and friends, on the other hand too many things have to be clarified and settled, not least giving the news of my pregnancy to my parents, it will not be easy and I am very afraid of their reaction. It won't be easy to accept it, they care a lot about traditions and the good name of the family in front of the neighbourhood, I'm very sorry to have to disappoint them.

I sigh as I close my duffle bag with some personal belongings that I will need for a weekend Can has organised for us in a hotel on the coast, it was unexpected news but I was pleasantly surprised. I really like this new romantic side of him, he always seems to be looking for a way to surprise and woo me.

Can brings my hand to his lips, looking into my eyes intensely while we're driving to our weekend destination in a taxi, the journey is short, it's just outside Camogli. As I get out of the car I can't help but admire the Art Nouveau building overlooking the sea that houses the hotel chosen by Can, it is beautiful and very romantic as I imagined.

We enter the lobby and head towards the reception desk to do the registration paperwork, while we are talking to the person in charge I hear my name called by a voice that I never thought I would hear there at that moment. My father?

I turn around and gasp, in front of me are my parents, Layla, Emre, Metin and what I recognise to be Mr Aziz, Can's father, whom I had only seen for a few minutes on my first day at the agency.

I can't say a word, my parents are all smiling at me, happy and moved to finally see me again after so long, my mother and sister run to hug me both at the same time and we cry without restraint in the middle of the hall, the emotion is too much and uncontrollable.
Can asks everyone to follow him and leads us to the wicker sofas on a terrace with a wonderful view of Camogli, he sits down next to me and takes my hand to his lips before starting to talk.

- I spoke to each of you at length on the phone, but I want to tell you what I feel now that we are face to face. First of all I have to ask for forgiveness from you, Nihat and Mekvibe, for what I did to Sanem, I can never apologize enough for what happened to her that damn night, she was able to forgive me I hope you can too. I was a fool, a reckless fool, an arrogant fool, I don't know what else to call myself for treating your daughter like that and for not making sure she was safe. I never, ever wanted anything bad to happen to her, I swear to you, she is my life and I followed her here to tell her, to tell her that I love her and that she is the only woman for me -

He suddenly turns to me and gets down on one knee at my feet opening a small red velvet box with a beautiful ring inside.

- Sanem, I have done so much wrong to you and yet your big heart has managed to forgive me in spite of everything, now will you make me the happiest man in the world by agreeing to marry me? -

I'm speechless, I didn't expect something like this, my parents, my sister, his here, his words and now this statement in front of everyone, I'm overwhelmed with the love I feel for this wonderful man who has done everything to make amends for his mistakes and make me love him even more than I did.

- Can, let's put what was behind us, we decided that we would have a fresh start together and that's all I want for us. Are you asking me if I want to marry you? -

He nods clearly tense as he waits for my answer.

-Eveeeeetttttttt, yeeeessss- I throw my arms around his neck and hold him tight, he kisses me passionately and then hurries to take the ring and slip it on my finger looking into my eyes smiling.

A liberating applause welcomes our kiss, then it's the turn of the congratulations from everyone, Emre, Metin and then Aziz who holds me in a warm hug - Can has told me so much about you, you're a great girl, I'm happy to welcome you into the Divit family, welcome dear - I'm moved by his words, I feel them very sincere.

I untie myself from his embrace and it's my parents' turn, they approach me and I go to them hesitantly, I feel ashamed for having left like that, for having made them worry and for having clearly contravened what they taught me. This is my father speaking.

- Sanem, never ever in this life should you think of running away from us, of being ashamed to tell us anything, anything at all, you are one of our two treasures and we will always be on your side, always! -

I hug him excitedly and feel my mother's arms holding both of us, I can't believe I have them close again with no more secrets or lies.

Layla's voice rallies us - I mean, doesn't the other family treasure deserve to be in the Aydin's embrace? -

We all laugh and cry, happy to be together again until Can's voice brings us back to reality.

- So Mr and Mrs Aydin, you know your room numbers and Layla knows which room to take Sanem to in order to get ready, come on let's move, we have a wedding to celebrate-

I open my eyes wide in amazement - Now? -

-What do you think, I'm going to let you get away from me again?  You said yes, you can't back out anymore, Metin has prepared all the documents so that the marriage will be valid even if celebrated here in Italy.

I give Metin a grateful look, he has always been a precious friend for Can but he has also been a precious friend for me in these difficult months.

I approach him and wrap my arms around Can's neck, looking intensely into his eyes.

- I wouldn't back down for anything in the world, don't even think it. You're my future Can Divit, you're my life, I've had this feeling ever since the first time you took me in your arms in that dark lodge.

Come on, make me the happiest woman in the world too, marry me!-

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