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     "First off we're like red," Sirius started, a small smile plastered on his lips. "Red is the color of fire. It starts with just a spark until it intensifies creating burning flames. It's dangerous because when the spark is lit, the fire will only grow and grow, it can't stop. My love for you is like a fire in my heart. " 

     Sirius paused after that, letting out a shaky breath before continuing. 

     "Red is also courage. Red is feeling of your heart beat increase while taking a big risk, it's the feeling of adrenaline rushing through your veins after taking a big step of faith. It leaves you with your heart pounding in your chest and the feeling of warmth on your cheeks. It reminds me of the first time that I admitted that I loved you." 

     Sirius turned his head towards Remus who was already watching him, a deep shade of red  on the boy's cheek. His mouth twitched up at the sight. 

     "Red is also passion. It's strong, overwhelming even. It will consume you whole, pushing you to go deeper lengths than you ever thought you could even reach. The color is fierce and bold, just like our love." 

     Remus watched as Sirius spoke with the same passion in his eyes like he spoke about, and that itself managed to make Remus's love for the boy feel almost overwhelming in his heart. 

     "Most importantly red is love." Sirius said softly, his eyes locking with Remus once again. "And Moony, I have never loved one like you." 

author's note.
okay! so this is kinda
like a new writing style i'm trying.
i usually write differently with 
details instead of dialogue, but
i decided to try it out !! i'm still
getting used to it, but dw i will
do a rewrite where the technqiue
is demonstrated better !! oh and 
these chapters will be short

COLORS OF US, wolfstarTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon