Start from the beginning


a few hours later harlow walked towards the gryffindor common room with cedric. her head ache was gone, yet she still felt nauseous. once they got there, there were a few students picking up the trash and fixing the furniture. harlow and cedric began to join them, cedric held open the trash bag while harlow picked up red solo cups and gave them to cedric.

cedric cleared his throat, "so, you don't remember anything from last night?"

"uh, no why?" harlow asked, "please tell me i didn't dance on any tables or make a fool out of myself."

"no," chuckled cedric, "i was just curious, but also i'm worried about you, lo."

she stopped picking up cups and faced him, "ced, stop it already. for the thousandth time i'm fine."

cedric shook his head, "no your not lo, i know you. whenever something happens you try to bury it and eventually it always comes out."

"i don't do that." harlow replied.

"yes you do, or if you don't bury it you blow up and end up breaking things." he said, harlow scoffed and continued to pick up trash. "lo, you're too young to be getting that wasted."

"cedric, stop it." she scolded. "you might think you know what's best for me but you don't."

"harlow, you need to talk to someone about what happened." advised cedric, "and if not to me, to someone."

harlow cleared her throat, "excuse me."

she put the red solo cup in the trash bag then walked away from cedric, out of the gryffindor common room. she made her way back to the slytherin house then went to her dorm, it was empty, she grabbed her black notebook and a pencil. harlow walked out into the common room and sat on one of the leather chairs. she opened the notebook and began to draw.

out of the corner of her eye she saw the door open, in walked draco, being followed by crabbe and goyle. draco sat down on one of the couches, crabbe and goyle sat opposite to them.

"you'd never know the weasleys were purebloods, the way they behave. embarrassment to the wizarding world. all of them." harlow heard draco say.

she looked over at them, she saw crabbe's fist tightened. she looked at draco then back at crabbe and goyle, she decided to ignore them and go back to drawing.

draco furrowed his eyebrows, "what's up with you, crabbe?"

goyle elbowed him, crabbe said in a low voice, "stomachache."

"you know, i'm surprised the daily prophet hasn't reported all these attacks yet. i suppose dumbledore's trying to hush it all up. he'll be sacked if it doesn't stop soon. father always said dumbledore's the worst thing that's ever happened to this place." spat draco.

"you're wrong!" shouted goyle.

harlow looked up, confused, she thought to herself for a moment and muttered, "no fucking way."

"what?" asked draco "did you say that i was wrong? You think there's someone here whose worse than dumbledore?

she saw crabbe stiffen, goyle looked like he was in deep thought, "harry potter."

draco grinned, "good one, goyle. you're absolutely right. saint Potter. he's another one with no proper wizard feeling, or he wouldn't go around with that mudblood granger. and people actually think he's the heir of slytherin."

goyle leaned in closer to draco, "then you must have some idea who's behind it all?"

"you know i haven't, goyle. how many times do i have to tell you? but i have my suspicions, i think the potter girl is behind it," he said motioning over to harlow who quickly put her head down and acted as if she wasn't eavesdropping, "insane one she is."

harlow rolled her eyes. she couldn't stand draco, even back home in surrey she hated kids like him. the ones who thought they were so much better just because they were born with a silver spoon in their mouths. the kind of people who leeched off of daddy's money and had no thoughts for themselves. harlow took a deep breath and looked back up.

draco continued, "but my father did say this much, it's been fifty years since the chamber was opened. he wouldn't tell me who opened it, only that they were expelled but i know this, the last time the chamber of secrets was opened, a mudblood died. so it's only a matter of time before one of them's killed this time. as for me, i hope it's granger."

draco let out a wide grin, as crabbe put his hands in a fist and raised it. goyle motioned to crabbe and stopped him.

"what's the matter with you two? you're acting very... odd." said draco

goyle looked over to crabbe, who was staring at him wide-eyed. harlow looked at what crabbe was staring at, a lightning bolt shaped scar began to appear on the forehead of goyle. she looked closely and saw crabbe's hair begin to go red.

"knew it." muttered harlow to herself.

crabbe and goyle, jumped up and ran out of the common room. harlow stood up and followed after them, she turned the corner and saw harry and ron running up the stairs. she trailed them and watched them run into the girls bathroom, harlow followed them in.

"hey crabbe, goyle." harlow smiled.

"you know?" harry asked.

"i'm not a bloody idiot like draco, of course i knew." she scoffed.

"that was so close!" gasped ron.

"hermione, come out." harry called out, "we've got loads to tell you!"

"go away!" shouted hermione from a bathroom stall.

"ooh, wait till you see. it's awful!" a ghost said.

the lock to the stall door unlocked, slowly the door opened, "do you remember me telling you the polyjuice potion was only for human transformations?"

hermione walked out her face was covered in fur, her eyes were yellow cat eyes, and her hairy pointed ears stood out through her hair.

harlow furrowed her eyebrows, "dude."

𝐈𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆, cedric diggory ²Where stories live. Discover now