Ruby grabbed the radio as she talks to the Mic

Ruby: "Dad where are you"

Yang: "Yeah you promise you will tell us where are you going"

David: " Right now I can't tell you where am I'm at but I only can tell you this Ruby remember our talk about when you said what is a war"

Ruby: "Dad are you-"

David: "Yes"

Ruby: "But why dad you know they are going to take your life I don't want you to died over there" 

As tear were falling down from Ruby check as David right now in the hanger they captured remove his helmet and place it on the table as he hears Ruby crying 

David: "Ruby the reason why I'm fighting this battle so that I could protect you and your friend including Yang and your mom listen I could promise you this when this is all over I will come home no matter what if I'm captured or go Missing I will come home no matter what"

 Before Ruby could say anything there was expulsion happening outside as David grabbed his helmet and ready his weapon and got to the radio 

David: "Ruby I got to go I love you all I be back"

After turning off the radio David made his way to the group as Nick and his squad taking cover by the truck as David walked to them causal as Jason was talking to the radio as David see the enemy coming from every where

David: "JASON!!"

Jason run up to David having the radio ready as David turn to him 

David: "Broken Arrow!"  

As he slap his arm and walk away to talk on different radio 


Meanwhile The Command Center for the U.S

Jason: "Broken Arrow"

U.S Operator: "Confirm Broken Arrow"

As the major and the General stop looking at the map as they heard Broken Arrow as the Major got confused by it 

 Major: "Broken Arrow?"

General: "That mean that American forces have been overrun and calls in all combat aircraft for support"

Major: "My god there no hiding it now"

USS Lincoln Carrier

As 8 F-15 launch out of the carrier and to the sky as they travel to New Jersey as many people we recording the Jets passing the city as they travel to the base where the Knights force are being pinned as David was on the Radio Calling all company to report


Razor was loading his M1911 as his squad was reloading their weapons as Jason got off the radio and turn to David

Jason: "Planes are on their way sir"


They all turn to see the enemy going to break their line as they ran form cover and hold that position as Velikan set up his M249 and starts firing it while David and the other hold the position as more White Fang keeps coming as Jason was telling the location where the enemy is 


As the F-15 came in and drop Napalm at the enemy as the David and the other keep firing as the enemy were burning alive as they were being put down as animal which made Adam pissed as he was overseeing the Battle while watching his people getting torch on and shot While Cinder Mercury and Emerald stand right next to him overseeing the battles as this scared Emerald to see how Violent is David and his Team 

Not from this World Volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now