The Attack and Family Reunion

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Base Howard North in New Jersey

Nick: "Alright nice job on that mission squad Phoenix you just remind me of my old squad that I used to be in"

Private: "What squad you used to be" 

Nick: "It a old squad Jason but I'm sad to see my old mentor retire after what we been through"

Jason: "Yes sir"

Nick POV 

These guys might make it problem they will be better than the Knights or not ah I miss the old day I wonder How Sarah Razor and even Ramirez  is doing 

Me: "Alright you all dismissed I will alert you guys if something new happened"

Phoenix Squad: "Yes sir"

I smile at the squad that general give me after the retirement of David and the squad he left me as I left also god I missed David anyway let me check on my wife I want to see what she is doing as I walked to my room and turn on my computer while I tried to set up the camera as I skype my wife

Wife: "Hey honey how are you doing"

Me: "Doing better now where my little monster"

The baby of background begins to laugh to hear my voice as I smile while a tear fall in my check to my wife and my beloved daughter  who is now one year old as my wife carry our son to the camera to see me in screen as smile on the two people I love

No one POV

Until a middle of the forest a Blackhawk came in flying past the forest until it was spotted by the radar 

Sargent: "Colonel Sharp we have an inbound unidentified Blackhawk Ten miles out 

As the Colonel begins to walk to the Sargent desk as he see a the unknow Helicopter come in to the radar as he grab the radio to talk to the pilots 

Sharp: "Unidentified you are in restricted U.S military Airspace walk ident and procced east out of the area" 

As the Colonel walk to grab his radio as he called 

Sharp: Raptor one and two snapped heading two-five-zero to intercept bogey in the weeds ten miles out now squadron 

As Two F-18 jet fly out of the base to meet the unknow Black Hawk as it was continued flying its course as Raptor goes to the side of the Helicopter as they radio in 

Raptor one: "Unidentified aircraft we will escort you to us airbase you do not comply we will use deadly force "

Raptor Two: "Got eyes of the name of the bogey tail USAF 4500X "

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