Jian didn't know what to say.

What else do we talk about except for your boyfriend and my best friend who is too blind and innocent to see what you really are?

it's been a long since we had an one on one talk session. Let's go to school together today,"Minhee said and smiled.

Oh hell no.

Jian tried to brainstorm about ideas about how to get out of this.

Should I go back into the house saying I'm sick or something?

Before she could think anything further Baekhyun saved her by coming out of the house with her water bottle,"Jian, you forgot your bottle.."He stopped when he saw Minhee with her,"Who's this? Your friend?"

Before Jian could say anything Minhee cut her off,"Yes yes, I'm her friend!"

Jian turned to Minhee and saw her eyes sparkling when she saw Baekhyun. She walked closer to Baekhyun while batting her eyelashes,"And you are?"

Jian threw imaginary confetti in her mind when she got an idea. She slowly walked up to Baekhyun and took her water bottle,"You two keep talking. I will go to school, bye!"

And with that she dashed leaving Baekhyun dumbfounded with Minhee who would do anything to flirt with him.

After running for a bit Jian turned around and saw Baekhyun trying his best to quickly explain why he's in Jian's house and who he is and Minhee who was staring at his face awestruck.

When Baekhyun's gaze met with Jian's she quickly gave him two thumbs up and mouthed,"Best of luck!"

And Baekhyun angrily mouthed,"You're dead."

Jian hid her smile and left for school letting Baekhyun suffer with Minhee. She doesn't know why her friend doesn't see this side of Minhee. She also starts to feel a bit bad for him. This girl is gonna break his heart badly one day and there's nothing she can do about that.

The last bell rang, indicating that classes were over for the day. Jian was quick to get all of her things in her backpack and was about to stand up. But her last class was her homeroom teacher, Min Seokhyung's. He said while arranging his things,"Jung Jian, come and see me at the teacher's office."

Jian sighed out loud and slumped over her chair. She really wanted to go home.

What does he want now?

Min Seokhyung had every element a good homeroom teacher should have, he's kind, understands his students, he cares. But the only thing Jian hates about him is that he's too nosy. Like now. He has brought her to the teacher's room, sat her down on a chair across him, just to give her a huge lecture on her life and future.

"What is it, Teach?"Jian asked, totally uninterested.

Seokhyung held up an assignment paper she submitted a few days ago,"What is this, Jian? The paper is completely blank."

Jian shrugged,"Just give me an F on the assignment, complain to my father if you have to. We are done here, right?"Jian was about to get up but Seokhyung stopped her.

"Sit down."

Jian sighed and sat back down.

Seokhyung took a breath and started,"Jian-ah, you did so well in your midterm exams. I thought you were coming to your senses but why are you back to your old ways? Are you really going to waste your merit and your future like that?"

Jian smiled politely,"Well, there was no future to begin with. And if there is, there is no point of using my merits. I wanna be a streamer anyway."

Seokhyung looked at her dead in the eye,"We both know it's a lie, Jung Jian."

Jian shrugged.

"Jian, I know you are a rebellious phase in your life where whatever your parents and teachers tell you sound absolutely unnecessary. You want to break rules, not listen to your parents, get back at your parents..I understand all of it..but Jian this is about your future. I'm worried about you. I don't want to regret your choices."

"I won't, Teach,"Jian said,"I appreciate your concern but your lecture got me sleepy. Imma be off now,"Jian said and got up and bowed before getting out of the teacher's room.

Talking to teacher Seokhyung made Jian feel a bit sad. It's sad to see him believe that she actually has a future ahead of her when she knows there is no future and there never will be. Her life is already ruined and her heart is just a big black hole of emptiness with no hope for future.

Jian sighed while walking towards the school gates. Some students were still in the school ground talking to their friends, hanging out, chitchatting. Jian was about to put on her AirPods when she heard something very very interesting.

Two girls were standing behind a tree of the school ground and whispering about something intriguing.

Girl one said,"You know my uncle is a detective in Seoul. He told me a big big secret. I will tell you if you decide to keep your mouth sealed about it."

"Sure sure. You can trust me!"Girl two said.

"My uncle said 'Night Rain' might be in Korea!!"

Girl two widened her eyes,"Night Rain? The famous stealer? Didn't he just do a huge heist the federal reserve of America? He's in Korea? Oh my God!"

"Yes! My uncle said he might be Korean as well. Nothing is for sure but a secret investigation is going on to find him. The whole Seoul is under inspection and so is some other cities."

"Oh my God, how cool is that? And don't you think Night Rain is really cool? He has done so many heists..and I really want to see him for once!"

The two girls giggled.

"Holy fucking moly,"Came out of Jian before she could stop herself. She has this feeling and might be true. It all is starting to make sense in her head. If that is true then....she has a world famous stealer so close to her?

The two girls turned to her, startled by her sudden voice.

"You scared me!"Girl two said.

"And why are you doing creeping here? Were you listening to us?"Girl one asked.

Jian couldn't care less about what they are asking her now. In her mind so many things were going on right now. Her mind was working at a full speed. And suddenly she thought of how the girls called him cool, that's when Baekhyun's disheveled, desperate to go to the bathroom in the morning face came to her mind and that made her laugh out loud.

That scared the girls in front of her.

"What's with her? Is she possessed or something?"One of them asked the another.

"Maybe. Let's get going, she's scaring me!"Another one said and they were about to walk away.

That's when Jian came right behind them and pushed them both lightly to make a way for her to pass through after saying this.

"If I'm right about this, then your precious 'Night Rain' isn't as cool as you think!"

Jian then skipped towards the school gate ignoring what the girls were muttering something about her being weird and possessed. Jian was just happy about her new discovery and if this is right, this whole situation is hit too ridiculous.

She searched up 'Night Rain' on her phone and tons of articles about his 'heroic' and brilliantly thought out missions, the cluelessness of the police and FBI about him, debate on who he might be and even his fan club showed up. Jian smirked seeing the articles when the only thing she could think of this face in the morning outside of the washroom.

Why is this so funny to me?


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