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✿3rd person✿

it was a normal day for y/n,
Wake up in the morning by that annoying bird alarm clock gifted by their so-called "grandfather".
eat Breakfast with their Brother(Iruma).
walking to school with Alice, Clara, you, and your brother.
going to Classes.
watching Clara and Alice Bicker while eating

but when y/n and iruma came home it seemed that opera was a little down,
how did they know you may ask? well, whenever Opera is happy or any positive emotion or feeling his "kitty" ears perk up, but when he's in a negative mood well..... his ears flatten as a normal cat would.

✿y/n's POV✿

I was eating with my brother and our "grandfather" and I noticed something off about Opera,
he seemed under the weather.
at first, I didn't question why he was so down and respected his privacy,
but as minutes became hours, me, grandfather and my brother that also noticed, we became and confused about why he was so down, so I made a mental note to ask him what's wrong later.


                                           Me and my brother head to our shared room

                                                                                                 Onii chan wait up!!

hm? what is it n/n?

                                                                             Can I go somewhere for a bit?

oh sure, just be back before midnight ok? i don't want any demon near you.

                                                      ok, I promise I'll be back until midnight


after I told brother I would be out for a few hours, I walked down
 the halls and watched as the different sceneries and windows go by, I spot a silhouette just not far from me, i went closer and the figure became more familiar, once I got near I spot Opera! so I went up to him and tried to have a nice chat and maybe find out why he seemed so under the weather.

Y/n - Opera - (thoughts)

                                                                                                 Hey, Opera san!!

  oh, y/n sama.

                                                  (he seemed to be spacing out..)

                                    I already told you to drop the formalities Opera!! 

oh my apologies..

                  you seem to be under the weather today, what's wrong?

there is nothing wrong-

                                                    No, there is definitely something wrong.

*sigh* it's just that Kalego-kun won't let me pet him in his familiar form..

                                       ...That's it? That's the reason why your upset?._.

                                  (WHY DONT YOU LET ME PET YOU INSTEAD-)

You should go to sleep now my lady/lord.

                                                       (I don't wanna sleep yet tho- i still wanna pet you)

                                                                                              -3rd pov-

you should sleep.

Opera Casted a sleeping spell and carried y/n to her respective chambers and tucked her in.
He kissed their forehead goodnight.

✿Opera's POV✿
*sigh* your caring nature can become your weakness...
i don't want you dying before you graduate you know, even though I am a demon and you are a human,

that won't stop me, from winning you over My Love.


iruma: they do know I'm sleeping in the same room as them right?

dammit after rewriting this gave me butterflies -
(464 Words)

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