"Okay daddy. We will write to you too. Well mommy will write but we will tell her what to say." He climbed off his lap and came and sat in my lap making my heart burst. I held him close and smiled.

"So, I have a little something for each of you guys as well. Michael since you're the youngest, only just, you'll get to go first." He handed him a small box. I watched Michael open it. Inside was one of his medals from the war.

"Daddy, what's this?"

"This is a very special medal that I was given to me at the end of the war. I received it because after Michael Trojan died, I decided that I would fight for us both, and I showed extreme acts of heroism and saved many of the other soldiers by carrying them across the battlefield while they were wounded I order to get them to safety, risking my life. I carried them to safety rather than letting them die. It's called the Bronze Star."

"Thank you daddy. I promise to look after this because I know how special it is to you." He held it to his heart.

"Now Flora. This is for you. It's super special as well, so you need to look after it okay. It's something my mom, Flora, who you're named after gave me before she died. She told me to give it to my first born daughter and I think today the perfect day for that." She opened the box and inside was a necklace with the letters 'F.N' engraved on it.

"It's beautiful daddy. F.N. For Flora Novitski."

"Exactly princess. I think my dad gave it to her as a gift at some point, maybe a wedding anniversary."

"I love it daddy. Thank you so much." He gave her a kiss on her temple.

"And now for you my love." I looked at him wondering what on earth he'd gotten for me. He handed me the box and I opened it. Inside was once again a necklace but it had two pendants.

"Donny. This is your wedding ring?" I said lifting the necklace out. He nodded.

"I won't be allowed to wear it when I'm out there. And I don't want to risk losing it. So I want you to keep it until I return." I nodded and shuffled over to him. We both got onto our knees and hugged. I had my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist. We pulled apart and I looked at the necklace again, realising the other pendant was a locket. I opened it and saw a photo of Donny and I from our wedding. It happened to be the same photo I'd printed out for him to keep.

"My love, my hero, my husband." I said softly. "I will wear this around my neck everyday as a way to keep you with me. I love you Donny."

"I love you too Julia." I kissed him and handed him the necklace and he put it around my neck. We kissed again. "Finally I have these for you guys. I don't want you to read them yet. Julia, one is for you and the kids to read tonight before bed, and the other three are for you guys to each read whenever you're feeling sad and you need some words of wisdom." I took all four letters and put them to one side. There was a knock at the door and I went and let Ma and Oliver in.

"We've just finished exchanging goodbye gifts. Come on in." They followed me into the living room and Donny was hugging both the twins. I went and sat with them and joined in the hug. The last few minutes with him past and we all stood up. "Daddy needs to leave now. We don't want him to be late." We went into the hallway, the front door open, Donny's bag by the door. He put the photos in his pocket and the pictures in his bag.

Donny's POV
I decided I wanted to have a one on one chat with each of my kids and Julia before I gave them all one last hug and kiss. "Flora." I said getting down onto my knees. She stood in front of me and I held her hands in mine. "You're the most beautiful little girl, and I'm so lucky to call you my princess. I'm going to miss you so much but I have something I need you to do. I need you to look after Michael and make sure he's able to communicate with mommy, and if he's struggling see if he will talk to you, and you tell mommy what he needs okay." She nodded her head. "I love you so much and I'll be thinking of you every day. You're a strong girl and I know you're going to be okay. You have photos of me, the letter and the necklace. And occasionally you guys will get to call me too which is really special."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2021 ⏰

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