XLIV - Comfort

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Sorry that the chapter is not that long but I needed kind of a filling chapter. The next chapter is getting interesting ;)


"She wanted to start a family! She had a boyfriend!" I said and looked up to Peter.

"What?" Peter asked shocked.
"She wanted to start a family and she had a boyfriend!" I repeated myself sobbing into his shoulder.
"Really?" He asked and hugged me tightly.
"Yes!" I shouted. My heart was hurting and my whole body was shaking. I couldn't believe she died. She left her life and her dream to safe everyone else. She left her boyfriend for Clint to be with his family.
"What happened?" I asked, crying.
"Remember the mind stone?" Peter asked me, stroking the back of my head and I nodded.
"When they came to Vormir, a guy named red skull told them that only one of them could get the stone. He told them that only the one who sacrifices a loved one can earn the stone." he started explaining. I felt him crying into my hair and wrapped my arms around his lower back.
"And Natasha was the one who sacrificed herself" he added slowly.
"She killed herself? Clint left her to die there?" I screamed and stood up.
"He didn't! He wanted to jump! Clint told us that they fought and then she just jumped. He caught her but she told him to let go and slipped out of his hands" Peter tried to explain.
I walked up and down holding my head. I felt another panic attack in my lungs but I couldn't control it. My body was shaking and my heart was beating against my chest. Everything around me seemed so bright and it almost felt like it was trying to eat me.
"Calm down, please!" Peter stepped closer to me and grabbed my arm.
"No! She sacrificed her and the baby for everyone! Don't tell me to calm down! Don't!" I yelled at him and ripped my arm out of his grip.
He sighed and just stood there watching me.
"Try to breathe, Alya!" He said standing a few steppes away from me. I know he wanted to help but this time I couldn't even help myself.
My head felt dizzy and everything went black. Right before I hit the ground I felt Peter's arms
"I got you" he whispered and picked me up bridal style.

I woke up back in my bed. Everything was dark and I didn't know what time it was. I slowly rolled to my side and saw Peter sitting on the chair next to the bed. His head was leaning against the wall and his eyes were closed.
"Peter?" I whispered and he opened his eyes.
"Hey you," he whispered with a soft smile.
"Are you ok?" He asked, standing up. He placed his hand on my forehead like he was my mom trying to see if I have a fever.
"I feel a little dizzy but it's ok," I said with a smile and took his hand in mine. I moved to the side so he could lay down next to me.
"Thank you" I whispered and kissed him.
"For what?" He asked and leaned his forehead against mine.
"You are still here for me! Even though I left for over two years." I said and looked into his beautiful eyes.
"I love you" he smiled and kissed me.

"I can't sleep" I sighed and leaned against his chest.
"We can talk if you want to" Peter suggested and laid down next to me.
"She trusted me and Bruce, with it," I told him and he pulled his brows together.
"What?" He asked confused.
"She only told me and Wanda that she had a boyfriend," I said.
"Why didn't she tell the others?" He asked.
"I don't know but she really wanted to have a family with him!" I started crying again. He pulled me closer by my waist and gently cuddled into the crock of my neck.

"Do you think Clint knew too?" I asked after a while and looked up at Peter.
"I don't know" he shrugs his shoulders. He put a strain of hair behind my ear and kissed my nose.
"What is it?" He asked when I looked down, thinking. What if her boyfriend doesn't know that she died? Did Wanda know who he was?
"What about her boyfriend?" I asked biting my nails.
"What about him?" He asked.
"What if he is clueless and no one can tell him because no one knows him?" I said.
"I bet Wanda or Clint knew him and everything is alright!" Peter promised me and kissed me again. I knew that he was really tired but I couldn't sleep. My thoughts were wandering around Tony, Nat and the Blip.

"Peter?" I said after a while but he wasn't responding. I looked back and saw that he was sleeping. His hand was on my shoulder and I snuggled into his chest. I pulled up the blanked and tucked a pillow behind his head.

The next morning I woke up to the sun shining through the windows. I turned around and saw that the space next to me was empty. I quickly stood up and put on a dress Pepper gave me yesterday. It was a beautiful white dress with orange flowers on it. The sleeves were puffed and it had a v cut on the neck.

 The sleeves were puffed and it had a v cut on the neck

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I put my hair into a messy bun and walked downstairs. There were voices coming from the kitchen and I could smell pancakes.
With a bright smile, I jumped downstairs. It got even bigger when I saw Aunt May sitting at the table with Peter. She wasn't at the Headquarters very much but when she was she always talked to me and it made me happy. May helped me with my panic attacks and with school.
"Hi sweetie" she smiled as I went around the table. I hugged Peter from behind and kissed him on the cheek.
"Morning," he said and I sat down next to them.
"How are you?" May asked me with a soft smile.
"I'm quite good. Thank you" I said taking a glass of water.
"That's good to hear! I will go to Pepper and help her with the pancakes." She said and walked into the kitchen. Peter turned on his chair to face me and smiled at me.
"How did you sleep?" He asked.
"Eh, not so long" I laughed and leaned against his shoulder.
"Peter" we heard someone scream from outside. It was Morgan standing outside holding a play-sword.
Peter took my hand and we walked outside playing with Morgan. She play fought with Peter and was laughing the whole time.
I just sat on the side watching them, enjoying their happiness. Morgan had the eyes of her mother and the bright smile just as her dad.

 Morgan had the eyes of her mother and the bright smile just as her dad

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