XXIV - Wakanda

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After I drew all the stones on a piece of paper and explained their composition, everyone was quiet. They stared at the drawings and Wanda slowly looked at Vision.

"Thanos has one of the biggest armies in the universe and he is not gonna stop until he gets what he wants," Bruce shouted.

"Visions Stone," Wanda whispered.
"We have to protect the stone and most importantly Vision!" Natasha stood up.
"We cant! He will be too powerful by then" I said worriedly. If Thanos gets all 5 stones before he gets Visions stone then he is invincible.
"We have to destroy it. I thought a lot about this entity in my head. About its nature and powers. But also its composition. I think that if we expose it to a certain force of powerful energy, similar to its own, perhaps..."Vision said and looked at Wanda.

"...Its molecular integrity could fail" Vision continued his sentence.
"Yeah and you with it," Wanda said and stared into Vision's eyes.
"Were not having this conversation!" she said. I felt her emotions. She was sad and angry. I saw her wiping her eyes as she sat down next to me.

"Eliminating the stone is the only way to stop Thanos" Vision tried to explain but Wanda wasn't listening anymore. Vision sat down next to Wanda and cupped her jaw.
"Vision! That's too high of a price" she whispered with tears rolling down her face.
"And only you have the power to pay it" Vision whispered.

Wanda ran upstairs into her room and I went to look after her. She was there for me when I needed her the most. She helped me with Peter and my powers. So I wanted to be there for her too.

"knock knock," I said when I entered her room.
"What?" she asked annoyed but gave me a smile when she saw me.
"Are you ok?" I asked carefully knowing she wasn't ok at all.
"He wants to leave me. He wants to give up his life to save everyone," she said with a shaking voice and tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Yeah, but he is doing this for you! He wants you to be happy and live your life, Wanda. If Thanos wins and he gets the Stone from Vision then you might just have a nice goodbye." I felt uncomfortable telling her this but she knew I was right. She wanted him to live but if we can't get the stone out without destroying Vision, then Thanos will kill him. She started sobbing and I hugged her tightly.

"It's gonna be ok," I told her.
I kissed her on the forehead and left her alone to think. As I walked back downstairs everyone looked at me worriedly but I told them that she was fine and she just needed to think.

"Thanos threatens half the universe. One life cannot stand in the way of defeating him." Vision said when I sat back down.
"But it should. We don't trade lives, Vision." Cap said and looked at Vision.

"But Captain, 70 years ago you laid down your life to save many million people. Tell me why it's different now?" Vision asked Steve.
"Because you might have a choice. Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays. Jarvis, Ultron, Tony, me the stone. All of them mixed together, all of them learning from another." Bruce tried to convince Vision.

"You are saying that Vision isn't just the stone?" we heard Wanda's voice from the stairs. I turned around and smiled at her.
"I am saying that if we take out the stone there's still a whole lot of vision left. Perhaps the best part." Bruce explained.
"Can we do that?" Nat asked curiously.
"Not me, not here," Bruce said sadly.
"Well, you better find someone or something who can do that! Quickly" Rhodes said in front of me.
"I know somewhere" Steve suddenly said with a smirk.
"Where?" I asked curiously but he just smiled.

I walked into my room to pack my backs and suit up when I walked past my picture wall.
I looked at all those memories again and the tears came back.

"I love you, Alya. I'm so proud of you" Peter whispered to me.
"I love you too" I smiled and kissed him.
"You can do it! See you later" he gave me a last kiss and I walked through the door.

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