My Half Brothers Wedding

Start from the beginning

"What would you use the money for?" My mom asked

"Gas in my own car, school supplies, or what ever else I really need it for." I said

"Do what you want but just know that Ezra and Malcolm would be upset if you decided not to go." My mom said

"Mom, is dad going to get that job that he interviewed for?" I asked

"Maybe, It is a full time engineering job with great pay and benefits. It would really help us if he got it." My mom said

"So we are still having money problems." I said

"Yes but I don't want you to worry about it." My mom said

"Has it gotten any better?" I asked

"No, and to be honest it has gotten worse. We just barley got the mortgage paid on time this month. We have property taxes due at the end of August and I have no idea where the money is going to come from." My mom said

"Can't you just borrow some money from grandma and grandpa?" I asked

"I do not feel right asking my parents for money but if this money situation gets any worse then I guess I am going to have to." My mom said

"What about Aunt Mona and Uncle Mike?" I asked

"They are going through an across country move. Right now is not a good time to ask my brother for money." My mom said

July 4th arrived and my summer was starting to get better. The wedding was later this month and I can't wait to go. Xanthe and her parents have not moved yet so they are coming over for dinner.

"So when are you moving?" My mom asked uncle Mike

"In about two weeks." Uncle Mike said

"That way Xanthe can get settled in before she has to worry about starting high school." Aunt Mona said

"When are the new people moving in?" My dad asked

"Actually the sale of our house got delayed. The new people were supposed to move in on Aug 1st but they backed out of buying the house last week." Aunt Mona said

"We put it back on the market this week but we don't think that it will be sold before we make the move to California." Uncle Mike said

The morning that I was leaving with the Fitzs to go to Malcolms wedding finally arrived. I was all packed up and ready to go. They picked me up and a few hours later we were at the hotel in New York City. The wedding was in NYC but Malcolm and his fiance actually live in a town just outside the city of New York.

"Jayde, I think it would be great if you made a speech at the wedding." Malcolm said

"What would I say?" I asked

"Just say what you want." Malcolm said

"Ezra, do I have to say that you are my biological daughter and I am Malcolm and Katies half sister?" I asked

"Only if you want and feel comfortable saying that to a group of people that you don't know." Ezra said

"Katie is giving a speech so maybe the two of you can do it together." Maggie said

The wedding was not for another few days. It was summer so the Fitz were also treating this like a summer vacation. Later that night I was trying to work on the Speech.

"Can I read what you wrote so far?" Katie asked

"I don't have much written but if you want to read it go ahead and read it." I said

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