No.5 The Elephant In The Room 🐘🫢

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Same Day @11:15a

Elaina's POV:

As we were getting settled with the band equipment I noticed Sam's Uncle walk into the room before getting behind the screened glass into the production room to introduce himself.

"Hello everyone it's lovely to meet you I'm Marcus Sam's Legal Guardian slash Uncle, you guys ready to do this Sam did you hook them up with earpieces?"

Sam gives his uncle a nod and thumbs-up response. "We're all set, Uncle Marc!"

"Okay cool let's do this!"

I'm practically gleaming with joy as we start rehearsing.

"This Song is Called Elephant let's do this!"

As we rehearse Sam can't keep his eyes from looking at me from time to time and, to be honest, it gave me butterflies like crazy; this song was really important to me to perform in an actual studio! It's about Mikey and I's struggling relationship as well as the one with my dad so it was special to get this message out.

As we finished up the song we all agreed to get some brunch before heading back home so we went to Sunday In Brooklyn off of 348 Wythe Ave

It was pretty good food the best I've had in a long while for breakfast anyway, everyone left after besides my Cousin and Sam as we went to pay the checks.

"Hey, you were really good today. if you don't mind me asking what was the  song about?" Sam asked me as I sighed a little, not too much for concern but I know he must have been curious as anyone would be.

"It was kind of personal about my Dad and Mikey and I don't want to get into it right now if that's okay."

He shook his head in understanding. "Yeah, I get that um hey... I have an idea for a duet if you want to come back sometime tonight maybe?" I smile gratefully at him before responding with a nudge to his arm.

"You holding out on me Wilson, of course, I'm down the same place I assume, what time?"

He laughs before he nudges me back.

"Maybe and yeah same place come by around 12 and find out." He gives me a flirtatious smirk as I smile and just nod while shaking my head.

"Well I have to take Hanna home now, I'll see you tonight Sam."

"See you." As we departed I just smiled to myself as Hanna and I got into my car to drive home.
"So you and Sam seem cozy don't you think?" Hanna asked me as we were driving home I just look over at her smug face and chuckled.

"What do you mean by that we are just bandmates and friends that's all, can't I be friendly?" I focus on the road now as she gives me a slight shove to the arm.

" yeah, a little too friendly if you ask me just ask him out already and dump that loser, Mikey." I just sigh in response.

" You know it's not that easy Han my dad would lose his partnership with Micheal's Dad I can't do that to him."

As I pull into the apartment complex where we both live we both get out of my car and she just groans in a very loud manner.

"Ugh but that's not your problem E that's your dad's this is ridiculous you should be with someone who makes you smile from ear to ear as Sam does I'll support you in this matter if you need me to."

I laugh as I put my arm around her shoulder.
"Thanks but I've got this I'll give Mike a few more months to make things right otherwise I'll give up on him okay?"

She just smiles in response. "Okay I trust you then thanks for the ride Cuz see you at the next rehearsal tell me how tonight goes and wear something nice will you."

I shove her a bit. " Wha- you brat!" I laugh as she heads into her apartment which is just down the hall from mine.

Maybe I should change just this once not to impress Sam or anything but just cause I smell is all; Oh, what am I saying Hanna is right I really need to get my head on straight with my feelings.

Do I like Sam? " Gah I don't know anymore!"

"Know what sweetie?" I jump to see my mom standing in front of me.

"Oh, my-, mom! you scared me how long were you standing there?" She laughs at me before giving a response.

"Hmm. Just now, what's wrong with you? How was your band practice?"

I sigh. "It was fine Mike was a drama queen as usual but other than that we recorded our first track I'm going back tonight. Is that okay?"

She just smiles and nods. "Sure honey just don't be too late your father wants to speak to you tonight."

I just nod. "What about, did you ask?"

"No, I didn't but be home by 4 okay? I'm making your favorite for dinner tonight."

I hug her before running up the stairs. "Mhm okay thanks, mom."

As I shower and change I run out the door to head over to the studio; I text Sam I'm on my way and he just sends back an ok and winking emoji. I just laugh to myself as I drive.

"What a flirt." Just practice no funny business I think to myself; not like I want to. I sigh before arriving.

"Let's do this!"

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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