We Belong Together

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Harry's POV

The look in her eyes is desperate, she really doesn't want to live here in Auradon anymore, I don't really care if we stay or not, as long as she is happy. The shit that she is going through is absolutely brutal and she doesn't deserve it. Anger pulses through my veins as I watch my world break down and cry in front of my eyes, how could Evie do this to her? Well now, Evie is dead to me no matter what, even if they make up. 

"Harry, I want to go back to the Isle" Mal whimpered, I melt as I will do anything in my power to see that smile appear on her face again. 

"Sure baby, anything ye want, I'll come with ye" I answer, wiping the tears that are plummeting down her perfect cheeks. 

Mal rises from the bed, starts to pack her things in a purple backpack with a dragon outlined in green spray paint. She packs a few clothes, clothes that she brought from the Isle, her spellbook which is also spray painted with green and her drawing stuff. 

"Did I forget anything?" Mal asks, a slight smile appears on her face, which makes me smile as I am glad that she is able to smile again. 

I shake my head, looking around the pink, girly, princess-like room, chuckling to myself how much this is not her or what her desired bedroom would even remotely look like.

"Why are you laughing baby?" she asks me, giggling to herself 

"I realised how much this room is the complete opposite of your aesthetic" I answer her, while chuckling, I never realised how much they push being a pink, perfect princess down their throats. Of course, Mal's side of the room has been altered to match her style, she has added her purple and green spray paint art on the wall which is amazing. I run my fingers over the artwork to spot a picture frame, holding the photo that she and I took together before she left. 

"Yeah the room is pretty gut-wrenching" she giggles, bringing a smile on my face. "What are you looking at there?" she asks, walking over to me.

"You kept this here, all this time?" I ask, getting very emotional as I thought she would have erased everything that would have reminded her of me, it seems I was wrong though.

"Of course I did, why would I get rid of it" she answers, wrapping her hands around me from behind, squeezing tight. I feel a kiss on my shoulder, I turn around to crash my lips onto hers, she doesn't pull away, instead she wraps her arms around my neck. 

I lift her up, her legs automatically wrap around my waist, her back leans against the wall, my fingers run through her hair and down her body, fuck she is so hot. She pulls away, biting her bottom lip, knowing how much it turns me on when she does it. 

"Fuck baby, the things you make me feel, I love what you do to me, I love you so much baby" I gasp, trying to keep my hormones under control for a second. It is a struggle. She closes the gap between us with a passionate kiss, her hands are running through my hair, pulling it whenever she pleases. My hands make their way up, underneath my hoodie, stroking up and down her back. I move down to her neck and mark my territory, I don't care how many hickeys I leave on her, she is mine and only I can do this to her. 

The door flies open to reveal Evie and Ben, together, holding hands, the shocked expression painted on their mindless faces. Why the fuck is she back? With that wanker? Oh they are absolutely perfect for each other, dumb and fucking dumber

"Wow really Mal, you just can't keep it in your pants can you?" Evie taunts, Mal pulls away from me and looks at me, her eyes reveal the anger and the pain that is building up again. 

"Hey Evie, keep your dumbass nose out of shit that no longer concerns you, go back to talking to the mirror on the wall" I snap, its about time that I give her a piece of my mind 

"Don't talk to her like that" Ben interrupts, anger appeared in his eyes

I chuckle "Or what? What are you going to do hm? Be careful you might turn into a dog again. Stay out of this rich boy because you won't win" I tease, I bark like a dog in his face, before I start chucking. If Ben really wants to stand up for that bitch, then he is gonna have to deal with me, he wouldn't, he would end up messing up his perfect hair. 

Mal's POV 

"Mal, are you just gonna let him talk to me that way?" Evie questions, like she is entitled to kindness and support from me or Harry. I take Harry's hand, lifting it up to kiss it. It's time I have a little fun as I no longer care for her. 

"Yeah I am, honestly he should have said worse, shame he didn't" I answer, a smile on my face, not giving a shit about her or Ben. Harry wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me in closer to him. He has a cheeky look on his face, I know exactly what he is planning. 

"Mal how could you do that? First, you break up with poor Ben, then you start dating this pirate, then you have sex with the pirate, then you and him are being really rude to Ben and I. Like seriously, you have gone off the rails, how about we just go and see Fairy Godmother and fix this problem because clearly you have a few screws loose" she gaslights me, the anger is getting harder and harder to control, I can feel my eyes glowing an acidic green. 

"Evie, you are the one with MANY screws loose, you are the one who is the dumbass in the situation, you are so fucking selfish, greedy, braindead clearly, blinded by desire, the desire to be Queen. I was there for you for 15 FUCKING YEARS!, all the shit you have put me through, all the shit that I had to go through to make sure you were ok. It was always about you, what you wanted, what you didn't like, who you liked and didn't like. You are seriously deranged if you think that you are right in this situation" I scream at the top of my lungs, I don't care who hears me. I am done with this. 

"Mal, are you sure your not having a mental breakdown, or a psychotic episode, you tend to be prone to those, I think you need to see a psychiatrist" Evie mocks, gaslighting me, that hit wayyyyyy too close to home, she knows what I have gone through mentally and that I continue to struggle with a lot of mental health issues. 

Harry's POV

Her eyes are glowing like crazy, her breathing quickens, she starts to shake, all the veins in her arms are outlined and lifted as she is getting more and more outraged. A sudden 'BOOM' of thunder occurs outside, her anger impacts the weather. Evie is on her last life at this point, she manipulated and gaslit Mal for too long, she has crossed a line. 

I decide to step in before Mal kills her "Evie if you wanna live, I would get the fuck out and don't ever fucking come back" I growl, Ben leaves the room, Evie looks directly into my eyes and walks away. I slam the door in a rage. I turn around to see Mal in the same position I left her in, I make sure that she is ok by slowly wrapping my arms around her and pulling her in. She lets her guard down for a minute before grabbing her bag, and my hand and leaving the room, she turns back to cast a spell on Evie's side of the room, setting everything Evie owned and loved on fire. 

We run to the border, where the Isle and Auradon are separated, using her powers she creates a loophole in the barrier, just large enough so we can fit through. We are finally home, on the Isle and I am here with my love

"I love you, Harry, I am never going back," Mal says, wrapping her arms around me, knowing full well that she will eventually have to explain to me what Evie meant. 

"I love you Princess, and that place can fuck off" I add, making her giggle, I am glad that I was able to make her laugh. 

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