If you love me, don't leave me

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Harry POV 

As I fidget with my hook in the limo, thoughts race through my mind 'What if she doesn't love me anymore?' 'Am I even good enough for her?' 'Is she in love with Ben more than me?'. I glance at my hip, the letter 'M' carved into my skin, I run my fingers over it, memories come flooding back of our passionate love before she was ripped away from me. Mal, the woman that I love with my entire fucking being, the only girl that makes me melt, makes me tear down my walls because I am safe when I am with her. I love everything about Mal, her purple waves that cascade down, resting on top of her breasts, her beautiful eyes that glow a acidic green when she gets pissed or when she uses her powers, her fiery attitude, so different to all the other girls I have met, her style, her clothes hugging her curves in all the right places, her lips, the things I could do to those lips when she bites them. 

"HARRY! are you there" Uma yelled, I snapped out of my trance, only Mal makes me go off into a internal monologue like that 

"What do ye want Uma?" I snap back, how dare she interrupt my thoughts, precious thoughts. I roll my eyes at her, she has had this huge crush on me ever since Mal left me 3 months ago. I tried to distract myself and forget Mal but nothing in this entire world could ever distract me from thinking about the love of my life. 

"Damn, you are in a bitchy mood aren't you? You just wanna stay with me on the Isle don't you?" she batters her eyelashes as she tries to get closer to me. I am not willing to entertain her little fantasy that she has been trying to fulfil ever since Mal left. 

"Uma, ye are not ever gonna be with me, I don't have any ANY feelings for ye, get that pathetic little fantasy that ye have been entertaining for the past three months OUT OF YE MIND, it's never going to happen" I answering, setting this straight, as now her flirting is just annoying and pisses me off, she would do anything for me no matter how I treat her, that what annoys me. Mal is different, she didn't succumb to my charismatic flirtatious ways, nope I had to earn her love and chase after her. It was worth it though. 

"Oh, yeah, dude I never liked you, I was just flirting with you, (*she laughs)" she cackles, putting on this brave front, when the look in her eyes represents heartbreak. It's not my fault, I told her many times that my heart belonged to someone else, did she listen? What do you think? 

"We are arriving now, don't leave anything in the limo" the driver announced, my heart starts beating faster, increasing the excitement of seeing her. I glance out the window to spot her, the woman I love. I opened the door, to see her looking at me, up and down, I did the same thing to her. Her outfit was hot, she knows what I like to see, other than her wearing nothing of course. 

(This is what Mal is wearing when Harry meets her) 

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(This is what Mal is wearing when Harry meets her) 

Fuck I am getting hard just by looking at her, she has the body of a goddess and the personality of the devil, I slowly walk towards her, getting closer and closer

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Fuck I am getting hard just by looking at her, she has the body of a goddess and the personality of the devil, I slowly walk towards her, getting closer and closer. Her perfume hits my nostrils, I have missed her so much. I glance over to Ben, whose attention seems to be on Uma, he doesn't deserve her, I would give all my attention to her if she was mine. 

"Hi Hooky" she uttered, I managed to hear it, I am unable to contain it anymore, I grab her and take her into my arms. She nuzzles her face into my shoulder, she is so much shorter than me, it is so cute. She lifts her head to meet my gaze, I remove a few strands of hair from her perfect face, she bits her lip. And I am getting hard again. 

"Hey baby" I whisper in her ear, so only she can hear me. I glance to Ben, he has walked away with Uma, holding her hands. Mal is now mine. I release my grip on her, for a second before my hand rests around her waist, bringing her close to me. I let her go once, it broke me to see her leave, I am not making that stupid decision twice. Ben she is mine. 

"Hooky?" Mal mutters, looking up at me. 

"Yes baby" I answer her

"Do you like me still?" she asks, her eyes glistening in the sunlight. Did she actually just ask that question. How could she think that I don't love her. I take Mal's hand and pull her into a secluded area of the castle

"Mal baby, of course I do, in fact I love ye princess" I answer with all my heart, hopefully she still has the same feelings for me. I doubt it but it's worth a shot. 

"Harry... I never stopped loving you, it fucking broke me when I was brought here, Ben and I are over, ever since I knew you were coming, I ended whatever was there with Ben. I missed you and longed for you, for your touch, for your presence. Every night I look at the carving on my hip, the H reminded me of you every night. Harry Hook, you are the only man that will have my heart, no matter how hard I tried to forget about you and move on, I couldn't do it. I am done trying to be something that I am not, I had to fight for two hours to even wear this outfit, but I knew you would like it" she pours her heart and soul out to me, it makes me so happy to hear that she loves me back. I pull her in to my arms and squeeze tight, she needs this, Auradon has destroyed her and I won't let that happen anymore.

"Baby, if you love me, don't ever leave me again, I am nothing without you, you are the only person who can make me feel the way I do when I am with you. You are my soulmate, my girl and my world, I love you for who you are, the feisty, fiery, sexy woman that you are. Don't let anyone change that, you are perfect" I respond, tears roll down her cheeks, I catch them before they fall to the concrete abyss. Her lips crash onto mine, this kiss was different, it was soft, tender, meaningful and full of love, she needs me, and God damn it I need her.  

"Hooky, don't ever leave me, I need you, I love you" she whimpers, I wipe the tears that are cascading down her face. I plant a kiss on her forehead and we continue to hug for hours, watching the sunset together. It hurts me to see how being here has chipped away at her spirit and her strength to the point where she is breaking down and no one else really cares, not even the people whom she calls her family (Evie, Carlos and Jay). I am always going to be here for her no matter what, she is my everything and I will do anything to make her happy again, even if it means going back with her to the Isle or staying here. 

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