At least, he didn't think it was going to be a big deal until he took the first steps onto the school ground. There were a lot of students just hanging out just by the front door. That wasn't common, so something had to be going on. That was when he saw one of them point towards him.

Suddenly, they sprang to life and moved towards Ishi. Did he do something wrong? What happened to cause this type of reaction. The group closed the gap, but instead of saying anything to him. They all moved past him. Unfortunately, there were a lot of students were, and no room for him to dodge them. So this crowd ended up bumping up to him and pushing him around.

Were they mad? He couldn't think of anything he had done recently to provoke any anger. Soon, the crowd pushed him aside and onto the ground. Ruffled, he took off his headphones to see what they were so excited with. As it turned out, they weren't interested in him, but rather, the girl that was walking just behind him.

They were all enamored by her. All trying to speak over the other just to introduce themselves to her. Somehow, she had only taken her first steps here and already this girl was popular.

"Typical." He muttered irritated as the boy got back onto his feet and dusted off his clothes. "Some good looking girl walks in and everyone wants to be her friend." Ishi didn't care about her, so he picked up his bag and headed inside to get ready for class.

A common theme for this day was that things started off normal, as they should be. However, it also ended up being accompanied by a little twist that made him more unhappy.

"Hey, did you hear about the new student?" The normal event was his best friend chatting him up in the morning before class. "I hear she'll be joining out class." And there was the twist.

"Look, Otoya, it doesn't matter if she does or not." Ishi didn't care, and there was no way he was going to allow this to make a dent in his routine. "She's just some new girl that everyone seems to be in love with, why should I care?"

"Um, do you not know who she is?" His friend gave him an odd look. Apparently, he was greatly out of the loop here.

"I've already seen her on the way to school. For whatever reason, everyone wanted to get to meet her before we could even walk inside." He was going to be holding that grudge from the rude shoving for a long time.

"Wow, people already got a head start." From the tone of his voice, it was clear that he was regretting not doing the same thing. "Wait, what do you mean you saw her already?"

"I met her on the train." Well, it wasn't really a true meeting. "She waved at me, but that's about the extent of it."

"She greeted you!?"

"Yeah, so what?" He couldn't believe how crazy everyone was over this girl. "What's wrong with all of you? It's really starting to really bug me."

"Man, if you knew what we knew. You'd realize that we're all annoyed with how little you know." Ishi took great offense to that statement. He was no idiot. Not a genius or anything, but he was not stupid.

"Fine, why don't you tell me why you're all acting like simps for this girl?"

"Oh don't worry about that." He said as the teacher told the class to settle down. "I think you'll find out soon enough."

Class was to begin, but that wasn't the reason why Otoya wasn't going to tell him. No, that would be because of the young lady walking into this classroom to make her introduction. Immediately, the class filled with cheers, mainly from the boys, as she entered. Ishi had one big sigh in reaction to his classmates. Typical high schoolers.

"Hello." The girl finally spoke up once the teacher hushed everyone. So that was what she sounded like, he thought. Her voice was rather angelic and it only served to excite the people around him even more. The only thing that the boy would consider weird about these reactions would have to be how happy the girls seemed. They seemed even more joyed than when an attractive boy showed up.

Either way, he listened in on the introduction this girl was giving. "My name is Rinse Hattori, but I'm sure you all already knew that." That was a weird thing to say, is she that narcissistic? "My family recently moved here because of work reasons, which I suppose we should address that right now." The more she talked, the more confused he got. What type of person introduces themselves like this. That was when her next words answered his question. "I know that you might know of me from my idol work."

Did she just say idol? As in one of those singers that everyone seems to like? Now he was stating to piece things together. That's why people were so eager to meet the girl. "But please, try not to worry about that too much. While I'm in school, I'd like to be treated just like anyone else would."

"Heh, good luck with that." He murmured to himself. Judging from today's activities, Ishi was confident her wish wouldn't be granted.

"Now you see what I'm talking about?" Ishi felt the nudge from his friend behind him. Unfortunately, that was a normal occurrence that annoyed him. "Hattori is a huge name in the entertainment industry, but I have no idea why she decided to go to this school."

"I'm taking it that she's not known for her brains." He responded.

"Great." The teacher said when she was finished with her introduction. "Now, go ahead and find yourself a seat." He didn't think much of what the teacher just said. Until Rinse started to walk towards him. At first, he was bewildered, until he took one look over to his left.

There's no one there.

"Oh great..." He quipped to himself.

"Is this spot taken?" She asked him when she got close enough. He could feel the entire class staring at him, since he was the first person she officially spoke to before anyone else. Especially given the circumstance this was going to lead to.

"No..." He sighed, not even looking at her as he answered. "That seat's open."

"Great." She did tiny claps with her hands as the girl placed down her bag and sat besides him.

Well, this was a terrible start to his day. 

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