025௹Tied Up Again.

Start from the beginning

He pursed his lips in a pout. " Why should I tell you when you wouldn't tell me about your dream?"

"Are you serious right now?"

He continued his pout.

Though, he should've known by now that she doesn't give up that easily. If she wasn't tied down she would've crossed her arms like he was doing, so she settled on a pout similar to his. This brat battle went on until Nanami burst through the door.

He was much taller now that she could see him standing in her peripheral view. He sighed.

And by he, I mean Gojo. " Nanami, should we just torture her?"

He gave Gojo an unexpected look. "...For what?"

"She's being unresponsive to everything I ask her. And she's putting up a fight!"

"Oh no— I am not about to get tortured because this idiot is overexaggerating." She looked up at the blonde. "He keeps asking me about my dream and I don't wanna tell him. That's all! I've answered everything else he's asked though."

He stood there a good while before kicking Gojo in the leg. Y/n silently celebrated.

"Stop goofing around. Sukuna says we have four days at most."

"Sukuna..."Y/n said, "...he's the one on Itadori's cheek. Right?"

"Ah...yes, but he doesn't-shouldn't concern you."

"Why not? He's a demon, too, right?"

Gojo interrupted. " So you know you're a demon then?"

"I mean, it's not that hard to connect the dots. At the very least, you guys think I'm demonic enough to put talismans everywhere."

"Hmm, " he hummed and placed a finger under his chin, " I find it interesting that you know what talismans are."

There was something about Gojo that very much annoyed and entertained her. In terms of crackhead energy, they got along just fine, but there was something else about him that just made her want to....I don't know, just give him one good sucker punch in the face.

"Great." She snapped and turned to Nanami. " Can you untie me? I promise I won't do any voodoo."

"It's not voodoo, and no, we can't."

"But I promised I wouldn't do anything!"

"That's under the assumption that you even know how to wield your abilities at all. Are you saying you do?"

"Abilities....as in seeing ghos-er, demons?"

"It's called cursed energy. But there has to be more to your capabilities than simply seeing them. Even normal humans can do that under special circumstances."

She was about to say she was a normal human, but apparently, that isn't the case. At least, for them, it isn't. Who knows, maybe these guys are all just cult members who believe in the unknown despite having never seen it.

Probably not true. She's seen it, touched it, played with it. Hell, Fushiguro can create them.

"Well, they don't like me at all except for when I'm about to die, and they, uh, disappear when I touch them. It's weird, I know." She felt stupid saying this.

"Yeah, that's pretty damn weird," Gojo said. Nanami (somehow) frowned even more than he was already at hi partner.

"Stop talking. Anyway, what precisely happens when you touch one and it 'disappears?"

"It kinda disintegrates into just, like, nothing. It looks like it's dissolving into the air."

"She probably has the ability to deconstruct them." A muffled, jealous voice erupted from the other side of the wall. "Only heard of that once though. Pretty cool."

Suspicious, Nanami walked over to the door and swiftly open it wide. The three stooges all fell on top of each other into the room. He actually wasn't very surprised to see fushiguro there as well.



Don't worry..romance comin soon (((;

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