2) Fuck Secrets.

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I opened my eyes, confused, and looked around. I was in my apartment, under my covers.  How did I get here? I sat up slowly. My body was trying to protest but I pushed through the stabbing pain that surged throughout my entire body. I reached up and touched my head. I flinched as I remembered slamming into my own car. I thought hard trying to piece together the whole incident, but I couldn’t remember much. Except, that after, Eric brought me home and I had slept all day.

Even though I felt like crap, I decided I should get ready for work. It was already 5 pm and it took me a while to get there. I’m sure Eric Northman wouldn’t care what condition I was in. He would only care that I showed up on time. I stood up and fell back down, extremely dizzy. I groaned as I forced myself up again.  I slowly inched my way to the mirror and gasped. I was covered head to toe with bruises. Why the hell did this happen to me? I grabbed my keys. I needed to talk to Eric.

When I got to Fangtasia I noticed a new sign in the window. It read ‘Closed for Renovation.’ I scoffed. What a stupid fucking excuse. I walked around the back to the employee entrance. To my surprise it was unlocked, like they were expecting me. I paced back and forth inside till a door swung open. Then Eric and Pam emerged.

“Eric what the fuck?” I blurted out.

“Those are the first words you choose to say to me?” Eric laughed darkly. “I would’ve preferred ‘Hello, how are you?’ or maybe ‘You look wonderful today, did you do something different with your hair?’”

I pressed my lips together tightly. I guess I had forgotten my place. I mean that was my boss and he’s the strongest vampire I know of. “Bite your tongue, human,” Pam said calmly cocking one eyebrow and coming up behind Eric. Eric smirked and waved her off. “No, I find it entertaining.” I gulped as he sat down and signaled me to take the seat next to him. Don’t say anything stupid, don’t be disrespectful, and stay calm. I repeated these things in my head before talking.

“I’m sorry for my outburst,” I started slowly.

“I’m just really confused about what happened last night. I mean I remember hitting my head on my car, because I have this huge bump on my head that hurts so much. But that’s beside the point,” I rambled on. I wanted to stop talking but I couldn’t. It was a nervous habit, and everything that happened yesterday was definitely having a big effect on my nerves. However, there was the fact that I was closer to Eric Northman than ever before. This was the first time I could finally see his pale blue eyes up close. They were mesmerizing.

“Anyways, I only remember bits and pieces. What the hell happened last night?”

“Well,” Eric began. “You were attacked by a couple of vampires.” I rolled my eyes.

I closed my mouth quickly as Pam stepped toward me with her lips pursed. Eric pushed her away gently and laughed this time. I fought the urge to call him a smart ass, or captain obvious. I really needed to control my mouth, I’ve never been bad about blurting things out, but I needed answers. There was no way he would tell me anything if I kept on disrespecting him.

“Mr. Northman, I am sorry about my attitude. I just have so many questions and my whole body hurts, but all I wanna now is-.”

“I think the human is tired, Pam.” Pam nodded. “I’ll take her home if you want, Eric,” She said reaching for my arm forcefully. Maybe this was the last straw for her. She had disliked me before, but now that I was acting like a “bitch” to Eric she officially hated me. All these girls treated him like he was a king. What’s wrong with all everyone being obsessed with Eric, Pam was his vampire baby so I expected that from her. But all the other dancers and staff, they treat him like he’s a rare diamond or an extra expensive piece of gold.

I mean look at him, he wasn’t really that great. This was the first time in a long time I actually got to see him so close. I only ever see him from a far; in fact I don’t really get to see him at all. I never look his way or never walk too close to him. Every time I was in his presence I would advert my eyes. I never rested my gaze on the “most beautiful treasure ever”. He was tall, pale, and blond with the biggest muscles you’ve ever seen. I could probably wrap both my arms around them, and his eyes. Wow. They were like two gorgeous blue pools that I myself would love to swim in.

Well, I guess I do get it. He was pretty but I was smarter than I used to be.  I was less naïve, and now I knew not to just fall for a pretty face. Especially one of a vampire’s.

“No I’ll take her. You stay here and watch the bar.” He looked at her and made sure to emphasize the word ‘watch’. Being vampires and all, you’d think they’d be better at being secretive. Or maybe he wanted me to understand, and like always I was the stupid one.

 I wanted to decline his offer. I wasn’t all that trusting of vampires. He scared the shit out of me but that’s why I decided to slide into the passenger seat of my car and threw him the keys. He caught them in the air; it amazed me when vampires did that. Specifically my ex-boyfriend, Charles. He was the pretty face I fell for.

We had been together for a while. I was struggling for money and already mooching off him. I had moved into his apartment, and was desperately searching for a job to repay him. After searching desperately with no results, he recommended for me to try to land a job at his favorite vampire bar, Fangtasia. So I went to try out, for him, for us. After I got the job I called him hundreds of times while I drove home. I was excited to tell him and couldn’t wait to see him. That’s the day that he left me.

I knew my face must be contorted, or angry, but I imagine that it just looked mostly scary. My body had already trained itself to keep everything inside. I wouldn’t let myself cry or be sad over him. I could feel Eric staring at me. I knew he was about to talk or ask me something, but I didn’t feel like telling him my life story.

 “So why does Pam have to ‘watch’ the bar?” I tried my best to imitate his voice.

“You never give up do you? You’re just like-…”

“No I don’t and I don’t think I should have too. Do you see what they did to me? Two vampires, I didn’t even know there were two vampires till today!” We stopped as he pulled into the parking lot of my apartment.

“You’re house looks like crap.”

“Oh sorry, Eric, we can’t all be millionaires like you.” He looked at me and smiled, leaning in towards me. “Learn your place or I’ll eat you.” I watched as his fangs popped out. The scariest weapons nowadays.

“So,” My voice was severely shaking. “What’s going on out there, Eric?”

“Give it a rest.” He retracted his fangs and pulled my head towards his. He leaned in closer. His eyes were burning into mine intently. My heart began to race. Maybe he really would eat me.

“Go to bed, stupid little human,” He grinned at me and stepped out of the car. “Wait!” My voice caught in my throat a little. “Where are you going?” I jumped out of the car only to find him gone. Fuck.

So I Got Mixed Up With Vampires - Eric Northman Story (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now