Chapter 20 - A Friend in the Hallway

Start from the beginning

"My name is Daemon. What's yours?" I asked him gently, not wanting to scare him. He seemed pretty frightened as of right now, and I didn't really want to scare him more. He didn't seem like all the other children I had ever interacted with. He was shy, I could tell from the few minutes I have known him and wasn't screaming like most other children when they'd fall.

He tilted his head up slightly, looking at me through wet eyelashes, which were surprisingly long. He opened his mouth to speak, before closing it, breaking eye contact again.

"What are you doing up here, alone?" I asked again, trying to sound as unaccusing as possible. He flinched slightly, hugging his plushie tighter.

"I-I-I'm Sor..Sorry..Sorry." He got out eventually, his words seeming broken and forced. My eyes widened slightly, and my heart broke slightly as I watched a single tear fall halfway down his cheek before he wiped it away with a small hand.

"No, no, no. It's totally ok." I whispered, offering him a smile when he looked up at me again. This time his eyes were wide, surprised. He blinked, and I nodded at him. I thought for a moment, before gesturing with my head to his plushie.

"What's his name?" I asked softly, and he glanced down at it, before looking back up at me. I watched as a small smile slowly graced his face before he looked back down at the dinosaur.

"Timmy." He didn't stutter this time, and he looked back up at me with a hint of excitement in his eyes. I smiled widely, nodding at him.

"I used to have a little puppy dog. Her name was Lucky." I said, looking at his dinosaur. I don't really remember when I got the stuffed dog, but I remember the day I came home and it was no longer on my bed, its designated spot. I went and asked my mom what had happened to it, and she just simply pointed to the garbage. I scrambled to go find it in the garbage, but when I opened it, Lucky was already torn to shreds and beyond saving. I cried, but mother didn't like it when I cried, so she hit me and told me to "man up, it's just a stuffed animal."

"My mo-mo-mom gave me..gave me Tim-Timmy." He said, smiling sadly down at the stuffed animal. My eyebrows furrowed slightly, and I couldn't stop the question that spilled from my mouth.

"Where is your mom?" The boy flinched at the question, looking down at his hands again with a pouty look.

"They-they s-said she went-went away, some-w-w-where better. I know-know she's dead." He whispered that last part, giving Timmy another squeeze against his chest. I immediately felt bad for asking, and I dropped my own gaze to my hands that were folded in my lap. I didn't know what to say.

"Bu-but it's-it's ok." He whispered, looking back up to me with watery eyes. I gave him a small smile, nodding. He gave me the tiniest smile I've ever seen, and I returned it.

"Can you tell me your name now?" I asked, watching his reaction. He let out a small sigh, looking down then back up.

"You-you're not going to-going me?" He asked, stumbling halfway through. I shook my head no, wondering why he would even think that.

"Jamie." He said, and I smiled at him.

"I'm just curious, what are you doing up here alone?" I asked him, tilting my head to the side. He shrugged, looking around the hallway we sat in.

"The-The other ki-ki-kid's don't-don't So-so I wanted-I wanted to be...a-a-alone." He mumbled, and my heart broke a little bit again. Who could not like a little boy like this? Why were kids so cruel?

"Can I be alone with you for now?" I asked him, and I watched as his eyes widened in surprise.

"Wh-why?" He asked, genuinely confused.

"I was alone too for a long while. But now I'm not." I say, watching him look down at his dinosaur. We sat in silence for a few seconds, but it wasn't uncomfortable. I had totally forgotten that I was supposed to be hiding from Mastias until he rounded the corner, a confused look on his face when he saw me sitting on the floor with Jamie. I smirked when I saw him, and he grew even more confused. I leaned closer to Jamie. Matias watched me the whole time, squinting his eyes in suspicion.

"I'm playing hide and seek with the Alpha," Jamie's eyes widened as he spun around to look at Matias. I watched fear flash in his brown eyes, turning back to me with a scared look. I gave him a soft smile.

"Would you like to play?" I asked, holding out my hand for him to take. He looked at it like it was a third appendage, before looking back at me. I snorted at his look, he looked at me like I was insane. Maybe I was.

"Come on, it'll be fun." I stood up, brushing off my pants, before holding my hand out for him again.

"Daemon?" I heard Matias ask from down the hallway, but I paid him no mind. I smiled at Jamie with a full show of my teeth, laughing a little at the face he gave me. He looked back again to Matias, who was still standing there confused, then back to me. He looked at my hand one last time, before gently taking it and standing up, clutching Timmy by his side. He gave me a shy smile, before turning to look back at Matias one more time. I looked at him too, smiling widely at his confused face.

"We get one minute to hide again!" I yelled, laughing at his shocked look. With Jamie in tow, his hand in mine, we ran from the hallway to find a place to hide together.

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