Her grandmother chuckled and squeezed her shoulder lovingly. "No disrespect was taken. Your Ma has no problem with me, although I suspect it has something to do with her brother."

For once, Delta sat in visible confusion, "Mio Zio? Perché?"

"I wish I knew. The two end up arguing at any family reunion to the point your mother moved to Italy. We all believed she was joking until she sold the house and left," she sighed. She took the book from her hands and placed it away. "Anyways, the two of them are the only ones that can settle it, so don't dwell on it."

Delta knew she was right. She had no business pressing on the matter, much less trying to resolve it. Her Grandmother gave her a soft smile before hopping off the bed to leave. Just as quickly, Delta got up and opened the door to her bedroom for her. "It was nice talking with you, Anonn."

"Same with you, Delta." Her Grandmother nodded but she did a sudden backtrack just as Delta was about to shut the door completely. "Now I remember what I was going to say. Your cousin has told me about the Miller's welcome back party. It's just down the road and almost everyone from school will be there."

Delta's eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the elder. "You're asking me to go to a party? A party that is more likely going to involve alcohol and drugs? I mean I've already had my experiencing drinking but aren't the laws here like twenty-one? Also, aren't you suppose to like-"

"Delta, my dear, I don't have to tell my daughter anything. I am her mother after all," she informed her. "I suppose what I am hinting at, is you should go. The best way to adapt is to immerse yourself, sono io giusta?"

Delta knew this was a test. Her Papà had reassured her that her Grandmother had been learning some Italian from him to help her feel less homesick. She had been at her own share of parties, but they were not fun unless you actually knew the people. However, Delta did see an advantage in this. She could head out and explore the surrounding area. The area had lots of dense forests and she was one for a midnight hike. The party was just an excuse to head out.

"Very well. I'll head out."

Her Grandmother clapped her hands together. "Great. Shandlor is downstairs. You can hitch a ride with her friends."

"Wait what!" She was swiftly pulled out of her bedroom, surprisingly strong for an old lady. "I think I'd rather save you the suffering and head back to bed."

"Nonsense, child. It's a perfect time to catch up and meet some of her friends," she smiled, before dragging her down the stairs.

 It's a perfect time to catch up and meet some of her friends," she smiled, before dragging her down the stairs

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Why should I know? / 3 hours until sundown... if the sun is similar to Earth's rotation / Zumka a city in Jumanji?

Delta's POV

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