The garden- the dance Part one

Start from the beginning

"Your right" he said standing up himself walking to her "But maybe we have both been alone for way too long. Maybe it's time for me to start forgetting and forgiving." He said offering his hand to help get her off the ground. "So pal.. Whadya say?"

"I say..... Thank you mono...:" she got up with the help of mono and embraced him in a hug. "Now buddy" said mono "let's go back to your place, your dirtier than the guests in that restaurant, You AND I need a shower, You have a separate shower right?" Six chuckled and said in a playful tone "What... am I not enough for you mono..." The thin man just stood their jaw dropped until six said "Kidding kidding, of course I do."
"Thank you so much old friend" said mono walking with her back to the maw.

After a long while they finally made it back to the maw the lady dirty but not exactly drenched. Mono however was soaked and wet, his fedora so soggy that the rims of his hung down by gravitational pull. 

 "So bath?" asked six "Yes please" said mono

They both went into separate rooms and started taking a shower. 

Six finishing first started getting undergarments, and pajamas to get ready for bed. About to lay down until mono came bursting from the other room with his clothes on and all but he was glitching like all hell and yelled a bit quietly "Six what the HELL is this!" "Mono what are you speaking of-" she stopped talking as soon as mono held in front of her a large glass shard, the size of her arm and obviously stained as  if used as a weapon, but in mono's case he knew exactly WHAT it was used on and WHOM. 

"I think I'm about to use my first question" he said "And NO passes this time! 

If I look on your wrists hands or legs will I see cuts?!

Six luckily put her mask back on because she was at least able to hide her shameful expression from him already sensing that he knew the answer to his own question. 

"SIX!!" He yelled "ANSWER The GOD DAMN QUESTION!" Hoping to god that he was wrong at the accusation. 

She got up took a paper from her desk, a pencil, wrote on the paper, and gave it to mono. The paper mono now held on his hand had three letters on it Y-e-s. Then there was just tension in the air tight enough where you could have residues of it on a knife if you swung hard enough. 

Mono put his hands on his face and started pacing for a while then he finally sat down and asked. "Why?" 

"It used to be lonely here at the maw, and I had a variety of nightmares that just-just screamed at my face. It started after you fell and got worse when I met someone else."

"Someone else?" asked mono "Who?" 

"His name was seven and he helped me through the maw for a bit" said six "But through the time I knew him he was almost just like you. He was brave, nice, and well a little dull but still- he was someone I would call a friend.

Have I told you yet what happened to the last lady?" Asked six. Mono shook his head no in response. "Well I told you about my hunger problems, and I bet you see where this is going... I learned not soon after that he was turned into a nome, and I haven't seen a nome since I took the lady's powers. 

I assumed the worst, and the nightmares got worse and worse about you and-."

"They were about me?" Mono interrupting her. "yes" Six replied. "the first few were just your face right BEFORE I let go. Everything after was just all the things the tower could have been doing to you. Such mentally scaring things that... I just assumed If i went to look I would find you... drooling in a chair, broken like a doll with no pull-string for their voice. I don't know what that would do to me if I saw you like that."

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