Peter Maximoff: Prank War

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"I'm going to get you back for that, Y/N!" Peter shouted out, making you laugh as you sat concealed in a tree. 

His eyes met yours for a brief second, and you instantly stopped laughing. But, the damage was already done, and before you could even move, Peter was sitting beside you. "Oh, Peter, hello there, totally didn't see you before. Well, I should be heading off, you know, I've got classes to attend."

"Not so fast, Y/N." Peter said, holding an arm out to stop you from jumping off the tree. "You can't act dumb with me, I know you're the one who did this." He motioned to his body, which was covered in purple goo. Just seeing him up close, his perfect silver hair now tinted purple, made you giggle. 

Peter raised an eyebrow. "Oh, so you find this funny, ruining my favorite shirt with whatever the heck this is."

"Don't be so stuck up, Peter." You cracked a smile, jokingly shaking your head. "It's just a joke after all." 

The two of you sat there for a second before a large grin formed on Peter's face. Uh oh, that couldn't be a good sign. You made a move to jump down, but Peter put his hand on your neck and you could feel the world rush around you. 

In mere seconds, you were in a completely different location, one you had never seen before. "Um, Peter, where exactly are we?"

He smirked, looking you straight in the eyes. "Have fun trying to get back to the mansion."

And then, he was gone. Fear began to rise within you as you surveyed your surroundings, not noticing anything remotely familiar. For all you knew, you could be in a completely different country. 

You began to walk in a random direction, having absolutely no clue where you were going. There was no one around to ask for directions, so all you could do was walk around aimlessly for a good solid 15 minutes before you felt a burst of air all around you. 

"Peter!" You said, pushing him a little harder than normal. "You scared me, I didn't even know where I was!" 

"Don't be so stuck up, Y/N." He said, the smirk on his face growing even larger. "It's just a joke after all." 

A hard look remained on your face for a while before you cracked a smile. "Are you starting a war, Peter?"

"Indeed I am, Y/N."


You were a week into your prank war, and things were intense. Peter pulling chairs out before you could sit down, you using your weather powers to create wind to blow Peter down in the middle of training, making everyone laugh at him. 

And right now, as the tenth alarm went off inside Peter's room. 

You giggled to yourself as you stood outside Peter's door, hearing him scream as he tried to locate the alarm so he could turn it off. 

"Where are all these alarm clocks even coming from!" He screamed out. 

Of course, he hadn't figured out you were using your powers to blow them in through his open window. Sometimes, you couldn't help but laugh at how long it took him to figure this kind of stuff out. 

Eventually, his room fell silent, and just as you were about to send another alarm clock in, Peter came barging out the door. He crashed right into you, making the two of you fall onto the floor, him on top of you. 

You tried to ignore the blush that you could feel on your face, and that was slowly growing on Peter's as well. 

"Hey Y/N, I was hoping we could maybe end this war?"

"Are you surrendering?"

He sighed, "Yes, but on one condition.

"And that is?"

"That you'll go on a date with me."

He pulled out a flower from his pocket, and a small gasp escaped your lips. "Are you asking me out on a date, Peter."

You expected a joke, but instead, he gave you a nervous smile. "Yeah, but, you don't have to if you don't want to."

You smiled, taking the flower, "I'd love to!" 

He smiled back, and you two shared a moment, before water came spraying out at you from the flower. 

Peter leaped off of you as you screamed, "Maximoff!" 

You formed a rain cloud above his head soaking him. "We still on for a date? Watch a movie tomorrow at 6:00?" 

You laughed, shaking your head. "Of course, Peter."

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