Chapter 1

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"Kira..!!" The annoying voice of brother called from downstairs, distracting me from doing my homework.

"What now?" I called back, so he could hear.

"Breakfast's ready. Mum don't wanna come meet you upstairs, so get your ass here!"

Closing the textbook that had Physics boldly printed on it, I replied "On my way."

So let me start... Once upon a time..., wait wait wait. You don't expect me to start my story like this do ya?.. Lol just kidding. So, hey! I'm Kira Jeremy, first child of my parents. I'm seventeen and attend Greenland Highschool.

I'm blessed with an incredible family of five including me, my parents and my two siblings. Among us is my younger brother, Ricky. Ricky is twelve turning thirteen soon. He is so troublesome and stupid in most cases, but loves to be funny and sarcastic too. The house does feel incomplete without his presence for a day at least.

Second in rail, is my younger sister, Riele. Riele is ten turning eleven few months from now. She loves reading. She'd always read any book she set her eyes on, and she's smart, and maybe quiet sometimes, but crazy when angry. Crazy bi–polar.

So, I guess this all I can tell for now. But soon, you'd find out more about us!

So huh... Aren't I getting late for something?

Oops! Breakfast.

Rushing to the direction of my wardrobe, I pulled out a leather jacket because the weather does not seem so pleasant today. Do I even have to go to school? I groaned, frustrated.

Combing my already smooth dark hair, I applied just a little mascara and lip gloss. I wasn't the all-dressy-type of person. Being casual was my thing. 

Wearing my long knee boot, I pulled my backpack from the bed putting my Physics note back into the bag before swinging in on my left shoulders. And that says, I was ready for the last day of school.

Quickly, I open the door to my room rushing out from it before closing it behind me as I rush downstairs.

"Ki--" The annoyed voice of my mum was about to take it's impact on my name but too late.

"I'm here" I said, giving her my best apologetic smile.

"What took you so long? You have to get use of your time woman!" She warned, already walking back to the dinning table where the dish have been served and my lovely family waiting for me.

"Sorry," I muttered, quietly, same time jumping down from the last stair, and now following behind.

"She thinks she have all the time to herself." My annoying brother butt in while I reply back by rolling my eyes at him before heading towards dad.

"Good morning dad" I peeked his cheek and he did same.

"Good morning honey,  how was your night?"

"Not bad, only some worm, who was trying to steal Chloe away from me" I complained giving Ricky a glare. He tried to steal my Teddy from me yesterday, knowing how precious that bear is to me. Chloe was a gift I had with me since I was six. It was given to me by someone so special and I don't plan on loosing it.

"That's definitely not me." He lied, taking a sip from his juice as he tried to hide his face with it.

"If not me, then It's definitely someone who's seating next to me" Riele said, already known who I referred to.

"That's still not me," Ricky said again, taking another sip from his juice to hide his face with it, again. "And thank God I'm not the only one who's seating next to you, mum too is seating next to yo–" he paused, seeing the other seat next to Riele was empty. Mum usually does seat there sometimes but today she was seating next to me, "-next to Kira," He deadpanned, trying to fake out a smile. Not helping dude. I can see everyone rolling their eyes at him. You see, he was this stupid.

"Alright kids, eat up so you won't be late for your last day of the session, Kira."

Today's last day of school for this term session, and it's really not necessary to come to school early but not late neither. And as for Ricky and Riele they both vacated since last week because they are both still in junior schools'.

We continue eating our breakfast with Riele and Ricky making fun of themselves when mum begin, "Honey, have you told the News to the kids yet?"

"What News?" We three chorused, curious.

"Alright. I guess that's a No" mum muttered loud enough for us to hear.

"We planned to tell them during breakfast." Dad said.

"And now?" Mum asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's breakfast" Dad said, slightly throwing his hands on the air.

"So..?" Mum raised her brows at dad.

"Er.. Alright, fine. I forgot." He admitted, while his wife rolled her eyes at him.

"So tell us now then." Riele and Ricky pushed, already dying to know what the News was, just like I am too. I wanted to know what the News was about because whenever our parents shared us News in dinning it was always a good news.

"Actually, your cousins are coming over tomorrow" mother replied to our curiousity, and the large grin begin to appear.

"Are you serious!" Riele squealed.

"Oh my god that's awesome!" Ricky was next to jump in excitement. "When are they coming?" My over excited brother questioned. Was he deaf?

"Tomorrow, Idiot!" Riele replied, giving him a hit on his back head.

Rubbing were Riele had hit him he complained, "Ouch! You shouldn't have done that!"

"But I did already." Riele replied him giving him one of her cheeky smile.

Annoyed Ricky only rolled his eyes at Riele and mumbled something under his breath.

"Honey, what if I say you're incomplete without me?" Dad said, as he put food into his mouth.

The chattering of fork seized at once at the outcome of this lame question. Was he actually flirting with mum right now? Because the smile on his face as he looked at mum was cocky.

I guess my siblings had thought the same too, because no one uttered a word, just staring. And even surprisingly enough, mum too held the same expression as we had.

"Was that a flirt?!" Ricky was first to ask.

"In breakfast were all family are gathered?" Riele was next to ask.

"What if I say, you suck at it!" Ricky exclaimed with a grim face.

"Like your better." Dad uttered to his son as shakes his head a little. But that didn't change the blank expression everyone had. "Well, I wasn't even flirting!"

"Then what exactly?" I asked now.

"I was just trying to correct my beloved wife who learn to forget easily." He explained.

Mum gave dad a confuse look and so as everyone. What was he talking about? He should learn to go straight to the point rather than biting round the bush.

"Correct?" Mum was next to ask.

"And how is that?" Riele asked, again.

You see what I was talking about? Incredible family, Indeed.

Rubbing his temple, he begin, "Did you forget they called later yesterday and told us that, due to some change in plan they are coming later TODAY and not tomorrow."

Mum eyes lite up as if she just realised, "Oh! Silly me. I forgot" she head palmed.

"Today?!" The three of us chorused again for the third time in a morning with that same huge grin not leaving our face, and our focus mostly pressured on dad to give us a reply.

Dad chuckled, probably for mum– just to proof how he had arrest our attention– because I could see mum looking away as she take a sip from her juice. Even they were sick couples, believe me. "How about I say a.. Yup!" He confirmed.

"Yay!" My little siblings screamed off my ears with their high pitch voice.

"Jeez! why yell so hard? My ear drums hurts now." Dad complained, touching his ears as if hurt.

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