Chapter 15 - Her First

Start from the beginning

The garden was very pretty. It had a small pond, some fairy lights and a bench. Barely any people, too, which was awesome. Kyoko sat herself down on the bench, staring at the fountain which decorated the pond. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh winter air. She checked her phone, but didn't see anything special. No texts or anything of the sort. She felt a presence sit down next to her.

"You don't seem to be enjoying yourself.", the voice said. Kyoko looked up, seeing a small girl. Probably around her age. She had dark brown hair, and beautiful dark skin to match. Relieved it wasn't some creepy guy, Kyoko smiled.

"Yeah... Parties aren't really my thing."

"How come you're here then? If I may ask, ofcourse."

"Friend dragged me here." The girl giggled.

"The usual, I see." She held out her hand. "My name's Korra Yuudai. Nice to meet you." Kyoko's eyes widened, as she shook the girl's hand.

"Kyoko Kirigiri. Nice to meet you too." She started to feel a little nervous.

"Are you okay? You seem a little nervous."

"I'm fine. It's just... My friend's ex is named Korra, aswell. This might be quite the coincidence."

"What's their name?"

"Makoto Naegi." Korra smiled.

"Yeah... that's him alright..." They both took an awkward sip of their drink. "So... Are you his new girlfriend?" Kyoko choked.

"N-No! We're just friends, that's all there is." Korra nodded, smiling.

"I hope he's doing well. I haven't talked to him since we've broken up."

"He's doing quite well." Kyoko smiled. "He just got out of a gnarly relationship, but he's being very strong. Though I think he's more affected by it than he lets on."

"It's good that you're there for him. I can't remember much about him, but I do know he was very genuine and sweet." Kyoko nodded.

"He really is."

"KYOKO YOU BITCH!" The two girls turned their heads towards the voice, seeing the one and only, Junko Enoshima. Who probably had a bit too much to drink, so Kyoko already figured she'd be calling Mukuro later. "I was looking for you!! Why are you outside?", the blonde asked as she sat down on the detective's lap, resting her head on the other's chest.

"Junko. What are you doing?"

"Come back insiiiiide~", she whined. "Makoto is looking for youuu~"

"I figure this might be my cue to leave.", Korra said. "My friends are probably looking for me, too. It was nice meeting you, Kirigiri."

"You too, Yuudai." She nodded, and made her way back inside.

"I'm gonna text Makoto that you're outside, okay?", Junko said, in an attempt to form a coherent sentence. After sending a text to what hopefully was Makoto, she rested her head back on Kyoko's chest. The other sighed. "You know, Kyoko..."

"What is it?"

"You should let go. Have some fun, kiss some boys~!"

"... You've had too much, I'm calling Mukuro."

"Nooooo, don't! I wanna stay a bit longer, plus it's my cousin's house. I'm probably gonna stay the night here."

"I still need to call Mukuro to get Makoto and I home then."

"Your boobs are really soft, Kyoko.", Junko said as she poked them. Kyoko felt her face strike red.

"Thank you, Junko, now knock it off.", she replied in an annoyed tone. She grabbed Junko's hand, in order to stop her from being all over her chest.

"Boring!!", the blonde said as she jumped up from Kyoko's lap. She bolted back inside, nearly running down Makoto in the process. He had a confused look plastered on his face, as he sat down next to Kyoko. She let out a loud, exhausted groan.

"What on earth did I miss?", Makoto asked, laughing.

"Surprisingly this isn't the first time Junko was obsessed with my chest.", she replied as she rubbed her face in frustration.

"It's not?"

"She loves going bra shopping together." Makoto let out another chuckle. Kyoko smiled, too. "She mentioned you were looking for me?"

"Ah, yeah... You were gone for quite the while, so I was getting a little worried. A pretty girl on her own at a party..." Makoto scratched the back of his head.

"Not worried about Junko?"

"T-That's different. She scares off any creeps with just her yelling." Kyoko chuckled. "So, did she say anything weird? Drunk people usually say whatever's on their mind."

"She told me to let go and kiss some boys." Makoto smiled.

"Yeah, sounds about right."

"I don't know, I... I don't want my first kiss to be with some rando at a party. Call it cheesy, but I want it to be special.", Kyoko said. She fiddled with the hem of her dress.

"What do you mean with special?", Makoto asked. He scooted a little closer. A small blush started creeping to his face.

"Just... With someone I care about. Someone that cares about me." She looked up at him when she felt a hand cover hers.

"Well, uh..." He cleared his throat. Kyoko felt her cheeks start to redden, too. "I assume you know this already, but uh...", he whispered. "I care. A lot."

Kyoko couldn't say anything. Everything seemed to happen so fast, and at the same time, time seemed to stop. Everything around her drowned out. There was no faint, annoying dubstep music. The trickling of the fountain fell quiet. All she could hear was her heartbeat in her throat, and all she could see was the blushing boy in front of her. The same boy she had been crushing on for months. The same boy that started leaning in closer. Everything aligned when she felt two soft lips press against hers.

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