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I'm so close in smashing my head against the table out of frustration , I looked at my phone screen and see it snaps to 10:45 ,  my whole life is gonna be over in less than five minutes and the person who bought my death box seems so eager to have my gorgeous body in and get me down the ground 6 feet under as she never replied to any of my messages and calls for the last two hours ,

"Ugh! Why do always have to make things hard!"

I pulled a stack of my hair and pressed the end button on the thirtieth dials and decided to spend the minutes remaining wishing my family and friends goodbye in my head and creating 101 ways to murder Yumi in my head. Yes you heard it , 101! That's how frustrated I am.

"You've grown a habit of talking to yourself these days hun ,what got you so worked up?"

I looked up to see Heart with books in her chest , ( you know that squad in the cafeteria scene? yup that's what I'm going for )  taking the seat in front of me followed by Ashtine while Fatima took the seat beside me after she put her tray with apples and bottled waters down ,

"There's only one person who can take Bianca out of her skin"  Fatima raised her brows waiting for my confirmation

"What did Yumi do this time?" I turned my eyes back to Ashtine's questioning eyes

"Speaking of Yumi , where the hell is she? Prof Kim was looking for her, she missed the English Lit. this morning" Heart butted in grabbing one of  the apples from Fatima's tray

"Great! It's nice to know that I'm not the only one looking for her , and we were in the class Heart , I know that Prof. Kim was looking for her !" I huffed

"What's going on?" Heart asked back

"Our presentation is due in , now seconds! I told her yesterday to give me the flash drive coz I know how she is with time management , No! she doesn't have time management at all , but she promised me that she'll be here early , but guess what?-

"She isn't" Fatima cut me off

"Good guess! And that's not the first time or the second time or the twentieth time that she did this to me, I'm so losing my faith in humanity! Prof. Park have warned us to hand over our presentations before 11:00 or no presentations at all, My God I'm so doomed" I swear I can hear my self rapping in that last thirty seconds

"I'm sure Prof.Park will understand" I looked over to Ashtine taking a bite on her apple

"Were you listening at all? He said 11:00 or nothing" I groaned

"I'm sure Yumi has reasons why she's not here yet" Fatima said

"Yup! She always has reasons" I rolled my eyes

"I think I've heard my name somewhere" - someone took the empty seat in my right , my nose then filled with that sweet vanilla scent over   fresh mint that I'm so familiar with ,

"Where the hell have you been? I've been calling for you for God knows how long!" I spat out

"Hold up your horses B, I have a massive headache and it's too early to deal with your rapping skills" she answered back

I took my time to look at her , she has her shades on , she looks pretty as hell like she's not the Cheer leader/Queen Bee for nothing , but one look at her unconsiously tapping her fingers at the table, I know she's not okay, I took her hand and took them in mine gently rubbing her palm with my thumb , I felt her eyes looking at me for a couple of seconds before she laid her head in my shoulder ,

And that only took a minute - and her presence to calm me down, I don't know exactly what's with Yumi but she's like my happy place , my safe haven , my storm calmer and everything in between , we've only been friends since freshmen year , and that was only almost four years ago , but it feels like I've known her my whole life, she's my constant half , and I'm so happy to think about how amazing life has been with her by myside , we both met Fatima , Ashtine and Heart back in sophomore , coincidentally they were all transferrees and with me being the student council president was tasked to give them their welcome files and send them to their respective rooms , I introduced them to Yumi and the rest was history , we've been inseparable since then.

"What happened?" I whispered

"Nothing, I'm just tired" She whispered back

"Where were you last night" I asked

"Out" she replied

She's not herself today and I know something's off

"Party?" I asked back

"No" she replied

"Then what?"

"Just stuffs " she sighed " I'm okay B, I'm just tired "

I decided not to push the questions , there's a lot of things that I know she's not telling me about but I respect her decisions of not telling me, atleast not just yet.

I pressed my phone screen's power button and show her the time in the lock screen

" 11:13 , You know that Professor Park doesn't accept late submissions right?" I said

" You still don't know how my charm works B , too bad" she answered back sporting a sly smile

" Yup , I hope your charm works this time and save us our mid-term scores"

" It will B , It always does" she smiled , she's using her cocky tone but I know better

The pantry was filled by the bell buzzing signalling the next class

I took my phone and tucked it in my back pocket , giving Yumi's hand a light squeeze , dragging her up

"I'll take the flashdrive to Prof. Park myself Miss President don't worry, I'll see you around" I heard Yumi say

"B , Valentine's day is only a week from now, the council's waiting for you , we have not started anything yet" Ashtine took my attention , I almost forgot they're there

"I've got that covered Ash , I'll announce for the council's meeting this afternoon so that we can discuss the program , and we can get the booth started the day after" I answered

" B-"

"The football team offered some help for the booths , though I know they'll have one for their own-"

"B" I felt something tugging my hand

I looked at it and saw Yumi looking at me

"Yes?" I asked

"You have to let my hand go, we have a routine practice to go to" she answered still looking at me behind her shades

"Oh - okay I'm sorry " I abruptly released her hand  but regret took over after missing her warmth

"See you around B , Let's go" she said looking at Heart and Fatima to follow

They are in the Cheerleading Squad , if I haven't told you guys yet , while Ashtine is my vice president in the student council,

"See you guys" Fatima and Heart said in chorus as they followed Yumi on her way out the pantry

She was just a couple of steps away when somebody who obviously was running without looking where he's going knocked Yumi's shoulder up , throwing her shades off her face

"Hey watch where you're going dumbass" She spat out while reaching for her shades from the floor

"I'm so sorry , I didn't mean to" the boy murmured apology with his head down

"Your apology won't take back time will it?" she hissed

"I'm so sorry Yumi It will not happen again" the boy said

"Out!" She screamed

Yup , that's Yumi!

The whole pantry witnessing her outburst , but that's pretty normal with her around ,

I saw the boy ran out of the door , my eyes followed Yumi as she dusted her shades with a tiny cloth from her pocket , she must have felt  someone looking coz she scanned the whole place around and finally looked back to where I was at ,

I gasped when I saw the reason why she had her shades on,

She immediately took the shades back to her eyes when she saw me looking at her and rushed towards the door with Fatima and Heart following suit

I swear I can hear my heart breaking

What's going on Meng?

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