Chapter Fifteen - Henry (2)

Start from the beginning

"Look, we all know that you two have an emotional bond, and it can be used beneficially for his healing. Besides, this can help him begin to re-integrate into society, which I think he's ready for." Then, he added quickly, "If you're willing to, of course."

"I am," you said without even taking a moment to consider whether or not it was a good idea.

Ocean practically jumped up and down in giddiness, though, when you told him that he was being discharged to live with you. Whatever doubts you had about the situation, the smile on Ocean's face (so wide that it looked almost painful) cleared them away and solidified your decision in your mind.

It took the two of you all of thirty minutes to pack up everything Ocean owned, aside from the loose t-shirt and black jeans that he had on. The entirety of his belongings fit snugly into two hard-shelled suitcases that you had loaned from Dani. Ocean offered to take both of them, but you insisted on helping, awkwardly holding the suitcase out to avoid hitting the brick as you carried it up the stairs to your townhouse. Once inside, you breathed out with a phew. You had seriously underestimated the weight of clothes.

You and Ocean began to move his things into your house, which had plenty of room ever since Andie moved out. Your dresser alone was half-empty from the space that Andie had left behind, but Ocean's closet full of clothes filled that space perfectly.

"Do you want to take the spare room?" you asked as you hung the last item of clothing, a thick black jacket, onto your coat rack. "It used to be an office but there's nothing in there now. We can go get the furniture today so you don't have to sleep on the couch."

He blinked a few times. "Oh, I just thought..."

"Thought what?" you prompted, signaling for him to go on.

"I just thought that you might still need me to help you sleep."

He was right. You were still, as much as you were reluctant to admit, unable to avoid tossing and turning for hours unless you were wearing the shirt that Ocean had lent you. It seemed entirely inappropriate, but as long as you didn't tell anyone, what was the harm? Besides, according to Dr. Monroe, you were supposed to encourage the closeness you had with Ocean anyway.

"Sorry, I do," you answered, still a little shy about the request. "You don't mind?"

He gave you an affectionate smile that reached his eyes and radiated warmth. It made your stomach flutter. "No, of course not."

After showing Ocean around the house and getting him acquainted, you decided to finally go forward with Henry's 'plan.' He deserved at least the closure of knowing Ocean had nothing to do with June's death.

"Hey, Ocean, can I ask you something?"


"Um, you were there when I was at June's during the fire, do you know- I mean, did you see anything maybe?" you asked, your question coming out all over the place.

His happy expression faded a little. "No, I was too busy trying to get you out."

"Oh," you said. You didn't know what you expected- that Ocean set the fire? It was laughably unreasonable to you. You cracked a small smile. "Well, thank you for that."

You turned Henry's card absentmindedly in your hands, waiting as your phone rang his number. Ocean was out in the tiny fenced-in backyard- if you could even call it that- probably looking over the little potted plants you had bought to liven the area up.

"Hey," Henry's voice came through the speaker at last. "Is this Y/N?"

"How did you know?"

"Nobody else would call me, not since I got suspended," he answered bitterly.

"Suspended?" you asked, pretending not to already know.

"From the police station. I'm a police detective," he said matter-of-factly, almost bored. "Now, are we going for drinks or not?"

"Okay, okay. If it'll make you feel better."

"It will. I'll be at the grill and bar in the Ruby Plaza. Just remember to flaunt it to your patient there. Really emphasize how much you like me, got it?"

You sighed. "Got it. I'll see you soon."

You changed into an outfit that screamed 'date' (and did your makeup if you would) to further go along with what Henry wanted you to do. Just as you were checking yourself in your phone camera, the back door swung open and Ocean stepped back into the house, holding one of your potted plants.

"You should put this one inside, by the window," he explained, setting it down on the windowsill that sat above the kitchen sink. Then, he paused and looked you up and down, a smile slowly making its way onto his face. "Wow, Y/N, you're really so beautiful."

"Aw, thank you, Ocean," you smiled back, feeling your face heat involuntarily. But the brief feeling you got from Ocean's compliment was replaced by dread. "Um, I'm going out to meet someone."

He flipped around, leaning on the counter. "Oh. Who?"

You just needed to act like you were attracted to Henry. To play it up, you threw on a fake-smitten look and tucked a bit of hair behind your ear. "Just some guy. He's sweet and pretty cute, but I'm not sure if it's too soon after June, you know."

Ocean visibly tensed, gripping the ledge of the sink. He cast his gaze aside, his jaw clenched. "Sure, be careful out there."

You couldn't help but feel a little surprised. Maybe Ocean's progress was more impressive than you had expected if he was able to conquer his previous jealousy. You wanted to give him a goodbye hug like usual, but you needed to hold off until Henry was satisfied with your part in his 'plan' first.

As you walked to the bar, you didn't notice a familiar shadow trailing you.

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