"You see, if I was going to set you up with any one my siblings, I would've set you up with Diego" Ben told her.

"Diego? He would probably accidentally stab me or something" Willow muttered with a chuckle.

"Fine then, Luther" Ben replied.

"One, he would probably crush me. And two, he'd probably drag me to the moon and I don't think I would do well in space" Willow said back.

"Allison?" Ben suggested.

"Allison sounds okay, better than the other options and at least she seems somewhat normal" Willow agreed. "But, I am very much in love with Klaus so stop it"

"I know you're in love with him, and I'm not trying to change that, I'm just saying incase you change your mind" Ben advised. "Although I think it's too late for that now, if you know what I mean"

"You're probably right about that" Willow agreed with a chuckle.

"When are you going to tell him?" Ben asked.

"I don't know" Willow said with a shrug before changing the subject. "Your other brother, Five, yeah? How's he. Is he still alive?" she asked, trying to seem nonchalant about it but she wanted to ask so many questions.

"Well he's in a thirteen year old body so that would be weird if you wanted to date him" Ben informed her.

"Gross, no. I'm just asking if he was okay last time you saw him" Willow confirmed.

"Well the last time I saw him we were trying to time travel and then I ended up in 1960 so I don't know where he is" Ben replied with a shrug. "Why'd you ask?"

"Just curious. I've uh, never really heard Klaus talk him much" Willow lied.

"Right" Ben said with a nod, looking back down at his book, still slightly suspicious.


"What if they find us? What's your plan then, Prophet?" Willow asked, knowing how much that nickname annoyed her boyfriend.

"Honey, I already told you to stop calling me that" He whined from the middle of the pool as he lay on his pink pool float, slapping a hand into the water with annoyance.

"What would you rather I call you?" Willow asked as she sat at the edge of the pool, dipping her feet into the water.

"Anything else" He replied. "I'm sick of that stupid name"

"Aren't you the one who gave yourself that name?" Willow asked and he shook his head.

"No, they started calling me that themselves" Klaus defended as he floated further away from her in the pool.

"But you didn't correct them" Willow commented.

"Was I supposed to?" Klaus asked.

"Obviously. But anyways, what is your plan if they find us?" she asked.

"They won't find us. They probably haven't even realized that we left" Klaus replied, putting a cigarette in his mouth and lighting it.

"Come on, they're not that dumb" Willow defended them, despite the fact that she hated them all.

"They are pretty dumb though" he commented.

"Because they believe all the shit you say?" Willow replied.

"Exactly. Do you want one?" Klaus offered her a cigarette, floating closer to her.

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