"Not sure. Have to try it again" He says softly and presses his lips against mine again. 

"You're pretty, you know that?" I say breathlessly when we break apart again.

"What?" Mattheo says with a smile and laugh, kissing my forehead softly.

"You're pretty. Your face is so perfectly formed, your features all on point. The way your eyes are slightly different sizes, your jawline sharp, your eyes shining. You're pretty" I say, tilting my head to look up at him, smiling.

"Well in that case, I guess that makes two of us"

"Pretty boy" I say softly and he laughs, pulling me against him, his arms around my waist and kissing me again.


The chill of the night wind takes over as the two of us stay close, finally apperating to a small 24-hour pub.

The two of us were laughing, retelling the times we'd been told off by teachers and Granger, one in the same, while we ate the cold fries in front of us. It was way past 2 in the morning, and we were still out, laughing and talking. 

Each on our fourth or fifth drink and plates later, we leave, and realize it had started to snow.

"Rose come, we haven't missed it" Mattheo calls over at me, running to a tall hill off the path to Hogwarts. I rush to him and sit beside him at the top, watching the sun rise before our eyes.

It was beautiful really, and I felt awake after it. The two of us smiled at the awakening school, realizing we needed to get back sooner rather then later.

We head up the pathway to Hogwarts, eventually reaching the grounds at quarter past six, before any students had awoken.

Passing the kitchen, the delicious scent of freshly baked bread and pastries waft out. 

"I can see the desire in your eyes. Plus the bread smells delicious. Lets go" Mattheo says opening the wall to reveal the kitchen.

We find the kitchen empty, no house elves in sight and Mattheo waves his wand, starting to play those Christmas type songs, that were old and made you laugh but feel warm inside. 

Mattheo smiles at me and starts looking through the pantry, singing along to an old Beatles song, picking out specific ingredients as he goes. 

"What are you doing?" I ask laughing at his determined state and sitting atop a counter. 

"Mind passing me the sugar?" Mattheo asks from counter opposing me. I toss the bag at him and he narrows his eyes at me, causing me to laugh.  

"What are you making" I ask, hopping down from the counter and coming up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Cookies" He answers, still determined look on his face. It was adorable, really. 

"Your really fucking adorable" I say smiling and stand between him and the counter, tightly pressed between either of them, his hands behind me abandoning the mixing bowl and finding the small of my back. 

"And you're adorably fuckable" Mattheo says looking down at me and smirking.

I feel a blush creep onto my face as I avoid his eyes mumbling "Shut up" and fighting a smile.

"I love you darling" He whispers against my lips and puts his hands around my waist, spinning me around so I'm facing the counter. 

"I'm not being a 1950s housewife for you" I say looking over my shoulder at his smile. 

"Then we're over" He deadpans and picks up a chocolate chip out of the dough, placing it in my mouth. I turn around and face him, whispering "Fuck that's good" 

He tilts his head at me and I nod. He picks me up and puts me on the counter, standing between my legs as he passes me a spoon and the two of us eat out of the bowl.  

We eat until we almost feel sick, talking and laughing until we hear voices outside. 

Our eyes widen as we grab the bowl and start to leave the kitchen. 

"Hey you got something" Mattheo says and brushes flour off my face. 

"Oh we're so screwed" I say laughing and widening my eyes at him, then taking off running through the secret passageway behind the dish washing room. 

The two of us run through the halls until we reach the common room, and I jump onto Mattheo's bed, instantly getting under the covers and lying down. 

"You're wearing a tight skirt and a sweater" Mattheo says, taking off his shirt and lying beside me. 

"I don't want to get up" I say sleepily, lying on his pillow, my eyes tired. "I hate you" He whispers, standing up again and flicking on the light as I sit up against his headboard, the covers still up to my chest. 

I watch him walk to his wardrobe and smile to myself, thinking about how good he looks. He turns back to me and tosses me a sweater and a pair of sweatpants. He looks down at me and laughs, lying down and facing away from me. I groan and lift my sweater over my head, tossing it at him. I take off my shirt and throw his sweater over my bare chest. 

"How am I supposed to do this" I mumble. I manage to kick off the skirt and pull his sweatpants up under the covers while I hear him laugh at me. 

"I don't like you as a human being" I say. 

"I didn't do anything" he says laughing. 

"You could've helped me" I say. 

"That way was much more fun" He answers, turning over and smirking. 

"I hate you" I answer, burying my face in his pillow. 

"I hate you more" He whispers and turns out the light, the two of us falling asleep fast. 


"We're screwed" I say. "That, is unfortunatly a fact" Mattheo says as we continue to run down the hallway. We woke up at half past 2, and we knew Snape would be mad.

Entering the dungeons, Snape's attention immeadietly finds us. 

"Ah, decided to show up have we?" He says.

"Sorry professor, we were erm-" I start. 

"Busy. Don't start a fight you won't win, you were the one who taught me that" Mattheo says smirking at the professor and suprisingly he smirks back.

"Alright Riddle, well the two of you still need to participate in class. And I'm not even going to ask about the uniforms. Understood Mr. Riddle, Ms. Black?" Snape states. 

"Yes sir" We chorus, and I look down at my uniform, realizing my tie and top buttons were undone and Mattheo didn't even have a tie. We were in a bit of a rush this morning and the only reason we bothered to come is because we knew we were getting our midterm assignments today. 

"Riddle sit by Zabini, Black by Malfoy" Snape rattles off, the same seats as last class. 

I groan but take my seat beside Draco. 

"So you're with him now?" Draco whispers. 

"None of your concern" I say, taking a deep breath and trying to sooth the pounding in my head. 

Bad Love- a Riddle love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now