Chapter 5

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Authors Note

I'm so sorry that this has taken so long and honestly this isnt the best written chapter but I finally felt like writing and I decided to focus more on getting it written. I know it's been nearly 4 months since the last chapter but I've been having a really hard time lately and ive just had no motivation to write and I've not been forcing myself to do it either. I've finally started to feel a bit better so I decided to do some writing tonight before bed and then I got this whole chapter done which is the ending of episode 3. I'm really hoping that the next chapter wont be long (I know i said that last time) but I've got a lot happening in my personal life and this latest UK lockdown since December/ January has made me just want to stay in bed all day. 


A while after Julie had stormed out the garage, Lily, Luke and Reggie were still hard at work on the song.

"Guess that means I'm buying lunch that day." Luke sings softly, concentrating on the words written in front of him. Reggie is drumming along lightly while Lily is playing the melody. It was just like old times, except for the absence of the fourth member of the group. Well, and the fact they are all dead now.

"I know all your secrets. You know all my deep dish. Guess that means that some things..."

"Wait, so..." Reggie interrupts causing both Luke and Lily to stop and look at him. "When she says, 'deep dish' , is she talking about, like pizza or.."

The other two ghosts just stare at him, having no idea how to respond. Luckily, they don't have to because Alex suddenly poofs into the room so that he's sitting on the piano.

Lily grins, jumping up and moving around the piano to hug her brother. Truthfully, she had been worried about him after he'd left earlier but he's looking a lot more cheerful now.

"Hey man, where you been?" Reggie asks.

"Um, kind of everywhere. Yeah. No, I met a new ghost friend." He explains to them.

"Ooh a new ghost friend. A boy-friend?" Lily smirks, nudging her brother.

Alex ignores his sisters teasing "He answered a ton of questions."

"Yeah? Like whether Julie was gonna join the band or not?" Luke asks, yanking his notebook from under Alex.

Alex turns to the guitar player, completely missing Luke's point. "Um... well.. we didn't really get to that."

Lily sighs "Ignore him, Luke just in his serious musician mood where he's incapable of talking about anything else." She smirks at Luke, sticking her tongue out at him while he just rolls his eyes at her.

"I think I know why we're here though. Ok? All ghosts have, like, unfinished business. So, we need to do our unfinished business so that we can cross over."

"Why would we do that? I'm just saying, this is like our second chance. All we need to do is get Julie to play with us" Luke asks.

Reggie nods "Yeah. Not only can that girl sing, she can write too. Luke, Lily and I made a killer melody to one of her lyrics"

Luke hands Alex the notebook to show him and the blonde looks down at what had been keeping his friends occupied while he was gone "Oh... Without you drummer. Cool"

Lily sighs "Alex.." She starts to try make her brother feel better but is interrupted by Luke hitting his shoulder.

"Drumming is so '90's. Ok? We're just gonna... stomp our feet now."

She blonde girl glares at the guitar player "Not the time"

"OK. Well, you know what else is so '90s? Being rude. All right? Get woke. There are sensitive times." Alex passes the notebook back to Luke, hitting him in the chest in the meantime. He then turns to Lily and Reggie "I learned that from my ghost friend." He whispers.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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