Chapter Nine: A Red Rose

Start from the beginning

"It's nothing. I just guessed." You grinned at him.

"Oh. What about your parents?"

"Ah..." You looked at the burial marker. "I think they're dead, but I don't know for sure. I barely remember them."

"Oh...I'm sorry."

You looked back at him. "Don't be. I'm fine without them anyway."

He looked at you, his mouth set in a frown. "Do you have any relatives?" You shook your head. "Where do you live?"

"Nowhere, really. A friend of my parents took me in. His name's Jolin and he's a Shinigami. But I tend to go to Rukongai a lot. I don't really like to stay in Jolin's house; so many times I sleep outside."

"Why? If you have a place to stay, you should."

"I don't like it there. It's not what I want. I don't belong in his family."

"Oh..." He was upset that you didn't have a place to go. An idea came to his mind. "Why not stay with me?"


"You can stay with me."

"I don't want to be a burden."

"You won't be, I assure you."

You smiled. "Okay."

"Come on, I can show you it now." He smiled, tugging you along.

"All right, all right, I'm coming!" You laughed, running to catch up to him.

You smiled at the memory. Ever since then you two had been best friends, even when you guys met Renji, Momo, and Rukia, you guys were inseparable. All throughout your time at Shinōreijutsuin you guys would have a wonderful time together. It wasn't until you both got placed into the Gotei 13 that everything seemed to go downhill. Izuru never seemed to laugh or have a good time anymore, and he pushed you away. And ever since Ichimaru's betrayal, Izuru was just depressed. Even when you went to see him, he wouldn't talk or anything.

"___________..." Izuru broke the silence. "I-I'm sorry..."

"W-What? Why are you sorry?" You looked at him to see his head was lowered on his knees, which were drawn up to his chest.

"For everything. Ignoring you, being a jerk. I shouldn't have done any of --"

"Shut up."

"W-What?" He looked at you, his brows furrowed.

"I said shut up. Stop being guilty about shit you had no control over."

"B-But I could've done something else! I --"

"Izuru! Just shut up! You were manipulated, just like everyone else! What happened can't be erased, so just accept that and don't be guilty anymore!" Silence once again befell the two of you. You rubbed your temples in frustration. Never had you yelled at him like that. Barely did you two fight. About anything.

"Why no steam?!" A drunk complaint echoed throughout the closet. Looking up, you saw Matsumoto in the doorway pouting. The two of you stood at the same time, but you were the first to walk over to the doorway, pushing the drunk woman out of the way. "Hey! Where are you going?!" You stalked through the door of the office, heading back to your own squad. "_____________?!"

Everyone in the office watched you leave in confusion. Murmurs filled the room as Izuru come out of the closet himself. Hisagi went up to him.

"Izuru, what happened?" He asked.

Matsumoto's Party (Bleach Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now