Chapter 3: fun and games and fear

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The sun shines over the town as kids go to school and the adults go to work. Alex is in a good mood. On the way to school him and Kat started texting each other.sending emojis, funny and or cute pictures of cats. Alex doesn't pay attention and accidentally bumps into another kid.

Random kid: hey watch where you going.

Alex: sorry.( laughing with a big smile)

Alex's phone buzzes and he gets back on his phone. The kid walks off with a scoff. Alex still continues walking and texting all the way to school till after a while the text stops. Alex doesn't see Sam again today. Alex waits for school to end. Not really paying attention. One of the teachers tells him off about that but school soon ends and Alex runs as fast as he can to the creek. He soon meets up with Kat.

Alex: hey.

Kat: hey.

Alex: (smiles) I am so glad to see you.

Kat(smiles back and laughs) yeah, me too. School was so boring today.

Alex: oh my god, yes. I thought it was never gonna end.

Kat and Alex started to run and play and talk. The whole day goes by so fast they didn't realize it was dinner time.

Kat: I'm gonna get you.

Alex: no you won't

Kat tackles Alex and they tumbled and rolled. When they stopped Kat was on top Alex. They both started to laugh.

Alex: ok, you got me. I lo-

when he looked at Kat, he caught a glimpsed of her chest from down her shirt.

Alex:*no bra.(blushes and looks away)

Kat:Oh you mad?

She leans closer and Alex really blushes and tries to not look, but couldn't help it. Seeing pretty much more of her chest and her belly button he tries to escape but she doesn't get off. A big smile and a devilish Look in her eye hovers Alex and the sounds of evil laughter fills a shiver down his spine.

Kat: hu hu hu hu and where do you think you're going.

Alex: Kat?

Kat raises her hands and then strikes.
She attacks his armpits, his shoulders and his belly ruthlessly with her fingers. Alex wiggles as his body is tickled. Laughing so hard he has starts to cry. Doing his best to protect himself only to no success. Every attempt leads her to attack another spot and another. He pleads and begs her to stop but she doesn't not even with a please or him saying i gonna pee. If anything it just motivates her more. He opens one eye and sees the dark sky filled with stars.

Alex:stop Kat, stop!

Kat: muwahaha nothing you say will stop me.

Alex: look up.

Kat: you can't fool me.

Alex: just look.

Kat out of mercy and curious looks up and sees the starry night. A scared look on her face appears. She gets off Alex in a panic saying no over and over again. Alex tries to calm her down by saying its ok and we can call our parents and tell them we're sorry that we lost track of time. But like in a trance, she kept saying no and almost crying and muttered something that Alex couldn't understand. Afraid of her being scared approached her with his hand out to her shoulder in a attempt to comfort her.

Alex: Kat what's wrong? Are you ok?

Kat gasps. And swaps his arm away.

Kat: no, go. Please go.(holding a hand to her face.) Leave.

Alex: I can't do that, I won't do that.

Kat: p-p-please.(whimpers and tears roll down her face) I don't want to hurt you.

Alex: well who cares. I'm not gonna abandon a friend. Not today or ever.

Kat begs him one more time. Something Seems different about her. Her hair got longer. Her body seem to have gotten bigger. Even her eyes look different. Her hands and nails too.

Alex: Kat is that you?

Kat: don't look at me. Go, before I hurt you!!!

Alex grows silent, confused as to what he was seeing. His body step back without him realizing and causing him to trip backwards.

Alex: Ouch. Ah.( Alex realize he had a scratch on his knee. It hurts a lot but and doesn't know how he got it.)

Heavy breathing and growling coming from where Kat was but except what was there wasn't Kat. But a wolf. It stared at Alex for a while. Alex was frozen from fear. Trembling. He couldn't. He couldn't speak or scream even though he wanted to. Tears formed In his eyes. He closed his eyes hoping the wolf would go away and it did. When he opened his eyes the wolf was gone. So was Kat. He still couldn't move and started breathing heavy. A few minutes passed and he regained control and courage to get up. He looked around for Kat. Hoping she got away. Wondering if she knew about the wolf. It would make sense as to how afraid she looked. Alex phone rang and when he looked at his phone he saw that his mom and dad were messaging and calling him. Afraid to pick and even more afraid if he didn't. He answered the call.

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