Chapter 5: Reunited again to the old and new

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"Can we talk?" Alex looks at the two texts. He starts thinking what to say, what to do. Both of his friends to talk. When will he have this chance again. He's still grounded but maybe he can convince his parents. They texted him again."hello" he panicked and replied ok to both. Its just a talk,right. Sam replied first.

Sam: cool, after school at the creek?

Alex thought it'll be ok right. I've been good. My parents wouldn't be home till dinner anyway. Then last replied.

Kat: tomorrow at the creek?

Alex laughed at the situation he put himself and why do people say can we talk instead can we meet? Does he tell him no. Will they understand if he explained his situation. Does it sound like excuses. He kept thinking these thoughts till he fell asleep. Tomorrow came and these thoughts continued at school till it ended and he took a deep breath and told himself it would be ok and he can do it. Sam wanted to meet at the trading tree and Kat wanted to meet where they first met. He decided to see Sam first, for he was the closer. Sam stood by a tree with snacks and drink.

Alex: Hey.

Sam: Hey. Its been a while. How have you been.?

Alex: yeah it has. I been good. You?

Sam laughed but then looked down on the ground when Alex asked what was wrong. Sam started to tear up. Alex patted Sam on the back. Sam explained that his parents have been fighting a lot and are going to divorced and that they wouldn't stop about custody. For awhile he was sent to his grandma till they worked it out and that he doesn't like it and how he is filled with overwhelming emotions of sadness and anger. Sam started to ramble and started crying. Alex suddenly hugs Sam which calms Sam a bit. Alex told him no matter what he always has him. Sam muttered thank you and hugged tighter. Some people were looking but they didn't care. They hugged for a very long time and they would had stayed hugging if Alex's phone pinged. Sam and Alex stopped hugging wiping his eyes.

Sam: is it your parents?

Alex kinda froze on the thought. OMG I hoped not.he gathered the courage expecting the worse. Instead he saw that Kat had texted him a couple of times. "Are you ok?, are you mad? Hello" and so on.

Alex: holy shit!

Kids around oooh at what Alex basically shouted. One even said hey, their are kids here, younger kids and other remarks about Alex cursing.

Sam: woah, are you ok?

Alex: (nervously laughs) yeah. I also promised another friend and I kinda forgot. Do you wanna come?

Sam: (smiled and shook his head) nah, I'm good. Thank you for coming and listening.

Alex: ok, you gonna be ok?

Sam: yeah. I feel better now. Plus I gotta go anyway. Text ya later.

They hugged again and shacked hands and went their ways. Alex ran to his and Kat's meeting place. He looked at his phone and texted Kat," I'm sorry, are you still there, are you ok and I'm ok." On the way. He reached his destination and saw Kat in a white sun dress looking around for him. She looked worried and a bit sad. As Alex was about to say hi. She ran toward him and embraced him. Alex was surprised but relived. She whimpered and shivered still holding him. Muttering words. Alex embraced her back a little tighter and asked "are you ok?

Friends, Fun And A WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora