The help of a stranger

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Hey, sorry for not updating as recently. I hope you're all doing okay and are looking after yourselves. Make sure to drink some water today!

Toxic parents
Mental abuse
Physical abuse
Cigarettes burns

Ranboo's POV:

Today was the same as always, wake up and have your oh so dear parents guilt trip you into doing the jobs they were supposed too. I wasn't a butler and sure as hell wouldn't ever work for such low lifes. They'd always do this, make me work for their money, pay their bills, cook their meals, be their own little punching bag.

Now I know this was wrong but what could I do about it? Afterall everybody else was fooled by their false facades. Oh how the smile they taped over their true intentions was oh so believable. I couldn't blame them as why would they think any less?

That's why I was stood before the mirror. Crimson dripping down my shoulder, nose and lip. Burns littered my upper arms and torso from mother whom seemed infuriated after I hadn't managed to find the time to make her a meal. Truly, I had taken up multiple part-time jobs around our city to assure we were financially stable.

Every last dollar belonged to those who never loved me. Sad, isn't it?

That's why I had a plan, to set myself free.

Though it would be hard, I'm sure I could do it. Alone, like I always was because I honestly have no friends.. Surprise surprise, the kid no one likes has nobody to love him.

Time skip:

Moonlight seeped through the crack in my drawn curtains as I rummaged through my closet. Assuring that nothing would fall, I pulled a large backpack from behind stacks of things that didn't belong to me.

Double checking, I unzipped the bag to be met mith the items I'd packed earlier that day.

Those being:

1. My small collection of clothing
2. Food, as much as I could carry
3. Cash, not much but it'd be fine
4. Water bottles, each filled to the brim
5. A portable phone charger
6. Deodrant
7. Shampoo and soap along with hand sanitizer
8. A comb
9. A pocket knife, you could always be prepared
10. A spare pair of shoes

Being all that I could hold in the bag, I had my phone securely in my pocket. Speaking of which, the small device buzzed softly. Odd, I think before taking it out and looking at the notification.

Number: ???
Hey son, you're in charge of your brothers, I need to stay at work longer. Okay mate? Dinners in the fridge.

Hey um I think you have the wrong number

Number: ???
Sorry m8, I'll leave you be now.

Wait um, this is a weird question but theoretically where would you run too if you were to start anew?
8:07 pm

Ah sorry, it doesn't matter. I'll stop bothering you now...

God Ranboo, your so stupid why would you ask that. What would some stranger know? Hell for all you know you could be speaking to a pedophile! Just forget it, you need to get out before they-


Number: ???
Mate, it's alright. I'd go to a foreign place, like catch about to somewhere I couldn't be found. I have to get back to work now but I hope I could help. Have a good day.

Holy crap, they answered. Woah, their smart too. That's a good idea actually. Plus, it's possible I'm sure there is a dock not far from here.

Without much thought, I grasp the wallet I stored my money in before swiftly zipping up the bag. Slinging it over my shoulder, I open the window wide enough for me to slip out. Heaving my body through the small gap, I make sure my feet are on the ladder before climbing down.

Sprinting as quickly as possible towards the sea, I let air flow through my locks as the thought of freedom thrilled me. No longer would they hurt me. I'd finally be my own person that could live the little childhood I had left to it's fullest.

That was my last thought before I had arrived at the docks.

Fortunately for me, a boat was due to leave soon. Boarding the ship, I handed over the correct amount of cash to the driver before shoving myself in the corner if the boat. Taking up as little space as possible, I breathe in the salty air.

Before I set off on my journey

Hi! I hope you liked this, it's a lot shorter than the rest but that's okay. I'm trying to gain more motivation for this at the minute. For now, take this. I hope you have a great day <3

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