"Hey, look at this" (not as serious as the other stories)

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This is less angsty and more funny because you lot need a break. Plus it is the 16th so you are probably having slight flashbacks iykyk. So enjoy this I guess.

Mention of stabbing

Ranboo's POV:

Walking up to Technoblade's office, I hesitated before knocking the door lightly.

"Hm, come in!"

Techno yelled from inside the office. Opening the door, I stepped in to see the man hunched over a stack of papers. His pen leant against his temple as he seemed lost in thought. He didn't seem to acknowledge me yet. Maybe he's a bit stressed.. I can come back later.

Turning around, I began to leave before the piglin spoke up.

"What did you need, Ranboo?"

The man questioned, his attention still on his work but I was aware he was listening.

"U-um it's fine. It isn't that important. I c-can leave. Sorry for bothering you-"

Silencing me, the man spoke up once more.

"Kid, it's okay. You aren't being a bother. What did you need?"

Technoblade continued to write on the piece of parchment. His ears perked up as he went.

"It's silly really, it isn't that important but eh could you look at this for a second. I want to show you something if it isn't too much of a bother."

Scratching the back of my neck, I gave the man a nervous smile as he turned around to face me.

"Look, I got stabbed!" I exclaimed excitedly.

Pointing at the netherite sword that was sticking out of my hip, I returned my gaze to the man. His face held a shocked expression.

"KID! Oh my god why didn't you tell me!?!"

I smiled nervously again.

"Didn't want to bother you.."

His eyes widened in utter disbelief as he looked me dead in the eyes before responding.

"Kid, you have a fucking sword impaling you and you think I am going to be annoyed when you ask for help?! You know what, come on we're getting you cleaned up"

Technoblade POV:

God this kid is going to give me a heart attack.

Thank you for reading this. You deserve more funny instead of angst so I hope you liked this. If you want I can write some more of these occasionally. Love you all.

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