Chapter 1: A Regular Day? I Think Not. (2)

Start from the beginning

"Help! Help us!" Two people scream in panic as they run out of one of the ground-level tunnels close to the center, they were being chased by a horde of strange grey rabbits that were viciously attacking them.

LOW-LEVEL MONSTERS! You couldn't help but feel pumped at the terrifying sight, after all this world is like a game. Knowing that someone had to do something to prevent the damsels in distress from getting killed, you search for something to use to get down from the small platform you were on when you spot a nearby metal bar attached to the ceiling and ground. Before heading into battle you tilt your head to the bar to communicate to Kouji you were about to do something really stupid and back-up would be great.

Using the metal bar as a pole you slide down to the center. "Hey!" You loudly exclaim, causing everyone to turn to you just as Kouji landed on the ground next to you. He actually came with! Wow!

Kouji had a cocky smirk on his face due to the fact that everyone's attention was now on him. "Knock it off!"

"You're not getting in the way!" The Digimon dubbed Pagumon by your D-Tector, which spat out a minimal amount of information about the small creatures, stopped attacking the two boys and instead flew towards you and Kouji as he broke off a part of the bar with an impressive kick and swung it around at the approaching creatures, sending them flying back as he began doing all sorts of swift motions with it.

Wooooow! He's quite skilled! I wonder if he takes Kendo? Maybe I'm secretly good too though I doubt the power of God and anime would make me as awesome as him. A straggler tries to jump at your face but you punch the bun away. "You're doing amazing Mina!" You cheer him on, temporarily distracted by how skillfully Kouji was moving around and fighting. He was quite a sight to behold.

"Shut up!" He barks, angry at himself for almost letting the pole slip from his hands at your praise. "Focus on yourself!"

"Aye aye!" You chirp not paying any mind to the Pagumon that was fearfully hanging onto your arm as you slam your fists into its friends, surprisingly knocking them out.

"He's so strong!"

"Not only that but that cutie sure does pack a punch!"

"Who are they? And why are they here?"

You do your best to ignore the clamoring in the background though it did fill your chest with pride at the awe-filled compliments you and Kouji received. With your half of the bunny-eared balls taken care of, you focused on watching Kouji's back for any sneak attacks while he dealt with the enemies in front of him.

Noticing a Pagumon getting ready to sneak attack him you throw the one that had its teeth shakily locked into your arm at the other Pagumon sending the two flying into the wall just as Kouji finished off the rest of the Digimon.

"You bastards! I'll melt you!" One of the Digimon growls as a ring of what appeared to be barcode envelops its body before it transforms into a large pile of disgusting purple sewage called Raremon which towered over everyone in the room, "I'll eat you..." it gurgles before shooting green acid out of its mouth.

Everyone ran to avoid it and the putrid smell that emanated from it but the little boy who was with the bigger guy tripped, falling onto the ground.

Hearing the thud your fight or flight reflex kicks in. "Look out kid!" You cry, seeing the acid slowly flying towards him. Instinctively be it because you crave death or didn't want a little one to die in front of you, you rush to the boy, pick him up, and proceed to run around, trying to dodge all of the acid the Digimon was spitting out, "Ah! Mina! Can I please get some help over here!" you yell out, noticing you were slowly being forced to back up towards the random hole in the center of the room.

The Energy of a Chosen Teen in a New World [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now