They started laughing at the same time. Of course, he had no idea what he is looking for. The mood immediately got better as none of them were thinking too much of the past and just wanted to focus on being friends again.

After they have bought what they wanted, they stepped out of the small shop. Seo MinGi turned to Soyeon with a warm smile.

- Do you have some time? We could go grab a coffee or something. - he offered.

- That would be nice, but maybe on another day? - she asked. - I told my grandparents I would go home right after school but Seojun dragged me with him to see his mother so I'm already late.

- Ahh that Han Seojun... - his eyes narrowed as he remembered the boy.

Han Seojun absolutely hated MinGi. Or at least MinGi always thought the boy hates him. Whenever they met, the younger one always sent him death stares, and looked like he was ready to throw hands. He seemed like he is more protective of Yoon Soyeon than his brother. Seyeon was cool with MinGi. He liked him because he treated her sister nicely and he knew her sister really liked Seo MinGi. That was enough for Seyeon. His sister was happy so he was happy for them. When MinGi was Soyeon's boyfriend he got to know a couple of other friends of hers, but he didn't really remember them. He knew a lot about Sua and Soojin as the Yoon girl talked a lot about them, and he met Suho a couple of times but he never talked to him.

- Then let's go on another day. - agreed the boy in the end. - Want me to walk you home?

- No, it's okay. - shook her head Yoon Soyeon. - Then, bye.

- Bye. It was nice to see you. - waved as he was walking backward.

- You too.


The three girls were walking next to each other, arms linked while they were happily chatting. They were in a mall and headed to a restaurant to eat something. Sua was in the middle and she was so energetic the other two didn't know what to do with her.

- Our Jugyeongie is growing up. - she said and whipped a fake tear. - Already going on dates, leaving us behind...

- Ya, you were the one who planned it for her. - pointed out Kang Soojin.

- I hope you chose the right guy for her, or else I'll fight you. - threatened Soyeon the short-haired one.

- I chose the right one! - assured them. - But hey, why would you fight me why not the guy?

Soyeon just shrugged her shoulders giving an innocent smile to her friend.
Lim Jugyeong was having her first date. And the three girls were hoping that everything will go smoothly. Jugyeong was beautiful, kind, funny, and caring so she deserved the best. Sua already had TaeHoon and if Jugyeong's really getting a boyfriend, then only Soojin and Soyeon will be single. Well, Kang Soojin wanted to stay single. She wanted to focus on studying, and she always said that she will get a boyfriend if she got into university. But before that, she will only make an exception if someone really special comes into her life. And as for Yoon Soyeon, she didn't really care. She always said if she meets someone she likes, then sure, she's okay with being in a relationship. But she didn't want to force it, like going on blind dates or letting Sua get her someone. Her life was messy enough without a boyfriend.

The girls were about to step into the restaurant when Soyeon's phone started to ring. Soyeon told the others to go in and order she will take the call, and the girls did that. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at the caller's name.

- Lee Suho? - she asked as she lifted the phone to her ear.

- I...I think I did something stupid. - he said hesitantly.

- You? Something stupid? Sorry, who are you again? - asked the girl, knowing it was probably something important to Suho if he called her, but it was a too perfect situation not to tease him.

- You... - growled the boy in frustration. - Wait, I see him, I got to go.

- What? Suho? Ya, Lee Suho? - called Soyeon the boy but he already hung up. - What was that? Is he about to beat someone up?

Questioned Yoon Soyeon as she was staring at her black phone screen.
She didn't know but that was a pretty close guess. Suho was about to threaten the guy, who was on a blind date with Jugyeong. Who was about to play with the poor girl's feelings. Lee Suho was stalking her through the whole date, not even knowing why he was doing what he was doing but he did. After Lim Jugyeong left, he witnessed that her date is meeting with another girl. He couldn't let Jugyeong get hurt by someone like this so he acted.

Soyeon decided she was going to ignore it for now. If the boy wanted her help, he will call her again anyways. She put away her phone then stepped into the restaurant and looked for the girls. She spotted them easily as they were waving at her. The Yoon girl smiled and quickly went to the table, then sit down next to Soojin.

- So, there's going to be a concert the next month, and I need you to come with me. - started Sua while literally bouncing in excitement as she was sitting.

- You really wasting your money with all these... - shook her head Kang Soojin.

- You always say that. - pouted. - Soyeon, are you coming right? I know you like idols and you like to go to concerts, hm? Please. Hm? Come with me?

Nagged her Sua and she really wanted to refuse her. Yoon Soyeon's thoughts immediately circled around one person when she heard the 'idol' word. Well, first it was just one person but then it became two.
First, she thought of her brother. Seyeon wanted to be an idol. His whole life was about music and he trained so hard to achieve his dream. And when he debuted...Soyeon was always on his side but never saw him that happy before. But things went in a really wrong way. And the ending became terrible. Since that day, Yoon Soyeon was trying to avoid the idol theme. She was too scared to think about that how many of those young girls and boys are in the same situation as his brother was...
Her second thought was about Han Seojun. She wanted her revenge and hated the boy, but she never wished him to end up like Seyeon. She was glad when she heard that he quit the agency and she knew how hard it could have been for him because Seojun was all about music too, but he had to do it.

- Ya, Yoon Soyeon. - she got dragged by her shoulders when she heard her name.

- Hm? - she blinked fast to come back to reality.

Both Sua and Soojin looked at her with concern on their faces. They called her multiple times but she completely zoned out.

- Ah, yeah I'll ask my grandparents if I can go with you. - said Soyeon with a small smile.

She lied. She didn't plan to ask them. She felt bad for declining Sua like this but this was the easiest way.
The other two girls looked at each other then back at Soyeon then back at each other. They were confused.

- Let's eat. - clapped the Yoon girl while she picked up her chopsticks.

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