{60} ~ Phoenix, Red Riot, Suneater, and Fat ~

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"Overhaul you got a sec it's Shigaraki from the LOV he says he's got an answer for you." Mimic said to us.

Hmmm this should be good.


Katsuki's POV ~

While Firefly, Birdboy, Weird hair, Froggy, and Pink cheeks, are at their work studies I'm in class with these extras all beat up from my special course yesterday.

"So like what happened to Bakugo? Was he fighting again?" Pinky asked.

"He's not the only one busted up look at the back of the room." Sparky said.

"His beautiful face who would do such a thing ?" Pinky exclaimed.

"The provisional license classes sure sound tuff." Sparky said.

"Must be great workouts though!" Pinky said.

"STOP TALKING LIKE I'M NOT HERE!" I yelled at the extras.

"Asui, Uraraka, Y/N, Kirishima, and Tokoyami are tardy. " Four eyes said.

"There absents are excused." Ponytail girl said.

"Oh you didn't you hear those four found places to do work studies." Earphone girl said.

"How's your study going Midoriya?" Icyhot asked Deku.

"Well.." He said.

"I DON'T WANNA HEAR ABOUT YOU GETTING AHEAD OF ME!" I yelled covering my ears .

Firefly come back to me I miss you and I need you I don't want to be with these damn extras by myself!

Overhaul's POV ~

I'm sitting with Chrono, and Mimic in the room awaiting for Shigaraki.

"You had me walking around in circles under ground for thirty minutes I'm not an Ant. Are all Yakuza's strong holds likes this?" Shigaraki said to me annoyed.

"We don't know who might be watching us or from where and not all our guests don't have the best intentions so we have a number of roots leading here in underground reception room where we can be reasonably sure of our privacy." I said.

"You ever wonder how we survived so long ? It's because of little details like that anyway down to business did you really mean what you said on the phone the other day that you'd join us under the right conditions?" Mimic interrupted.

"Don't start celebrating just yet you guys want to capitalize on our reputation and we want to increase our strength. Our needs conside for the moment." Shigaraki continued placing his foot on the table.

"Put your foot down the table will get dirty." I said with my hand on my head.

"No please you really odd to mind your manners I don't appreciate disrespect. Now we won't be putting ourselves under you we'll still be calling our own shots got it ? Either it's a joined partnership or I'll walk out the door." He said.

She's Mistreated|| K. Bakugo x Reader Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz