"Do you have them?" I asked back, probably the most stupid thing I've managed to do today, since he clearly doesn't have anything right now.

"I was running for my life jut now, with nothing. How am I supposed to have them."

Then I remembered, I got my bags on my bike. I give my hat to him and my mask.

"Are these clean?" probably used for like once. But It's clean, I just used it for brief moment.

"Just put it on, you talk so much."

When we arrived, I rummaged my bags as I got a hold of pen and paper.

"Here you go." He takes it as he begins to sign.

"So this autograph... is it for someone?"

"No, it's mine..." Its mine, I am your fan. Dammit. But my straight face just stay like that. Like it's not for me when its mine.

"Pffth...nah you're joking , it's for your girlfriend?" his muffled laugh sounds good.


"Your sister." She is your enemy.


"Your mom?" She is your fan. But its mine.


"Your aun –"

"Look, just give them already. It's mine okay. Is there any problem with that?" I snapped, a little.

"Relax man, I'll give it now, what's your name?"

"Tay, Tay Tawan."

"Hmmm, nice name... here your autograph, from the artist himself."

"Thanks..." I said it as I managed to contain my excitement, Imma show off this to my sister and mom.

"Don't you want a selfie or something? I mean thats better." No, I'd be dead If I saw your picture and mine in one frame, beside I got tons of your picture posted on my blog.

"W-what! No, I've seen you quite often in tv's and movies."

"You're an odd one." He said before his eyes went wide.

"Wait a minute..." he almost yell.

"Center Sweet Cafe! You work there!?" Oh shit, I forgot, today I was supposed to help my aunt with her shop. I promised her last week.

"SHIT! I am goin to be late!" I rush to my bike ready to go when he stops me.

"WAIT! Can I come along? I've been wanting to go there since GOD knows whem..." Oh no, not that blinking twinklings stars in his eyes. I can't refuse.

"Uhm, sure... climb on, wait. Won't your manager get worried?"

"Don't worry I'll just borrow your phone later and text him my whereabout."

"Well, okay then..."

I didn't know, that my life as a fanboy would get turned around by that event.

Ugh! Should I take it? I guess I should. There is no harm to it right?

[Hello?] I answered his call trying to sound as calm as possible.

[TAY! You know how many times I have been calling you?]

[Sorry my phone was on silent mode.] Lies.

[Are you really sure you're my fan?]

I didn't reply.

[Hey, are you still there?]

[Yeah, why did you call?]

[Ah, what are you doing tomorrow?]

[Nothing, assignment?]

[Booo! Can't you abandon it for a little while?]

[Not really, I'm on my last year already.]

[Fine! What kind of assignment? Is it something I can help with?]"

[Taking pictures... lots of it.]

[I see, can I uhm... get your address?]

[For what?]

[There is a new merch that I wanna release but I think I should send one to you first.]

[Really? I'll text it later.] I might've replied it excitedly.

[Calm down, I can sense your fanboying over me already...]

[Remind me who asked me if I was really his fanboy.] I replied back.

[Okay then, see you later.]

Just like that, he hangs up...

Now who the fuck calls me in this hour? 6AM, fucking UP POOMPAT! I answered the called without looking at the caller's name. Which is a mistake.


[Wow, so grumpy this early...] This voice, Newwie!?

I take a look at the caller's name it was indeed him.

[Why did you call?]

[Good morning to you too. I am at your door.]


[. . . . uhm...]

[Wait what!? My door as in my condo?]

[Duh~ where else? Did you send me the wrong address then?]

No Shit!?

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