♕𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎♕

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"Lina..." reality hit Yunho in that moment. She looked prepared to set off as if she wasn't going to leave a trail of baggage behind.

Her head snapped into the direction of his voice, not truly registering whom it belonged to.

Lina's eyes widened when they met with Yunho's. This wasn't supposed to happen. His face looked like he'd just been betrayed. She made him look that way; it's all her fault. "Yu..." his name got lost on her tongue.

"Don't leave." He begged, taking a step closer slowly. "Don't leave." He repeated.

Lina didn't know what to say, hence the reason why she wanted to leave abruptly. Her mouth hung open with the words dancing on the tip of her tongue but there was an emotional barrier forcing them backwards.

"You were really gonna do it. You were gonna leave without saying anything. You told San not to tell me." The sentences came out short and lagged. He wanted to scream at the top of his lungs, asking why, why would she do this.

Lina gulped forcefully, pushing down the sudden flow of guilt building up. "I had to."

Yunho flinched at her words, not because they hurt him, but because it's what he didn't want to hear. "Just don't go."

"Yunho, I need to. I can't stay here anymore."

He scoffed, "You know what, Lina, you're a hypocrite." He was now looking down at her, only inches away, "You blamed me for abandoning you and I put my hands up and owned up to it, I apologized and took the fault, I even did everything I could to make it up to you. Look around, Lina. What are you doing right now? You're doing the exact thing that you hated me for years for doing. Not only that, but you're taking it the extra mile by moving country." His blood was beginning to boil. How dare she? He inched his face closer to hers, "All because you're afraid of feelings."

If it wasn't for the support of her suitcase, Lina was pretty sure her legs would have given out. He was right and she knew it. She is a hypocrite. "I'm sorry." Was all she could utter.

Yunho wanted to throw his hands about and stomp his feet in a tantrum, he wanted to yell at her, telling her he hated her for doing this, but his cowardice stopped him. Instead, he wrapped his heavy arms around her, restricting any kind of protest from the girl. He buried his nose in the top of her head as he shook his own.

Lina tried to escape but Yunho's grip only tightened. "I'm not letting you go. I'm not letting you abandon me."

Lina's face was flush against his chest, helping her hide the tears that brimmed her eyes. "I need you to keep studying, okay?" She completely disregarded his words. "Get into college and make your father proud like you've been wanting to do forever. And give your mother a chance, don't dwell on the past." Yunho ignored her and just embraced her closer, "I need you to listen to me, Yunho. I don't want you to be upset when I'm gone. We will always be friends, and it's not like I'm going forever."

"Did you not think I at least deserved a goodbye?" He whispered. It was as if the world around them didn't exist, they were the only ones present in that moment. "You're supposed to be my saviour."

Every syllable that was pulled from his lips were only causing more needles to penetrate Lina's heart; she hated it. "I needed you to forget me, to hate me so it won't hurt as much."

"I could never hate you." He pulled away, his hands resting on her shoulders as he bore all of his emotions onto her from his eyes, "because I love you."

Lina winced at those words, shuddering from the heavy weight it put onto her shoulders. She shook her head, trying to free her body from its frozen state. "No you don't."

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