Chapter 1: Did ya miss me ?!

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And if you're reading that on TeenFic, you have smol peepee.

" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Before this start, because I know you guys will bitch about it later... Actually, even if I put it here in bold, underlined, AND IN ALL CAPS, some of you will complain, but heh.

This story happens between Part 4 and 5. In fact, it kinda replaces Golden Wind. So Act 3, Hamon, 3 arrows, that's it. No requiem, and no Hokuto Shinken.

As such, it's also non-canon with what happens after Part 4. It's basically a split timeline. Hope you all understand that.

3rd Person POV:

???: We've got no choice... We have to seek his help...

???: Sir, are you certain about that ? We don't even know how to contact him...

???: i'm sure "he" can figure out something... I would like to not resort to his help, but there is no other alternative anymore...

???: This Blood War has gone on for too long...

Your POV:

"Sooo, let me get this straight... You're proposing me a full-expenses paid trip to Italy with Koichi."

Jotaro: That's what I just said, yes. Please stop paraphrasing what I say.

"You want me to stop paraphrasing what you say ?"

Jotaro: ... Fuck you.

"I'll pass on that. But yeah, a trip would be good. If that was all and you had no afterthoughts, that is. Caught my drift ? You're not one to just do that for free, Jojo."

Jotaro: ... Okay, I'll admit. I need you and Koichi to look for someone while you're there, and bring back some DNA. But I swear that's all. You can spend the rest of the trip as normal tourists.

"Hm... I suppose I could... I mean, I've got nothing planned for the next two weeks... It wouldn't take so long, and-"


Jotaro: Hello ? Are you still there ?

"... For now."

Jotaro: What ?

"remember when I disappeared for years shortly after we defeated Dio ?"

Jotaro: ... Yeeees... ?

"Don't try to call for the next few... I don't know, I'll ask once I get there."

Jotaro: Wait, get where ? Hey ?!


Jotaro: ... What the hell ?

???: He's taking his sweet time... you sure you didn't miss the thing, boss ?

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