"Alright," she said," I'll have to go back to my dorm room for a minute, but we can meet at the Nawar hospital closeby tonight at six. I'm sure we'll see something there."

"I'll be there," he said, hand tightening around the strap of the backpack he had slung over his shoulder," do I need to bring a weapon?"

"No," she said," no violence. I don't want anyone at the hospital to be disturbed."

Just when she moved to turn away he grabbed her wrist to stop her, a flash of gratitude in his eyes.

"Thank you. For doing this, I mean. I know you could've easily said I could fuck myself, but you're the only one I can turn to."

Delilah placed her hand on his hair, a warm smile on her face. "It's nothing. You care a lot about Logan, that's a beautiful thing."

He stared at her, surprised, cheeks tinting red, before he turned his gaze away. She was off then, looking around for Mateo, but he had stopped shouting a while ago. Knowing him he probably thought she was in class and had decided to go to her dorm room, so she went there as well. As soon as she set foot inside his face popped up in front of her, a big grin on it.

"There you are, Delilah!" he beamed," I had searched for you."

"I heard you," she chuckled, before smiling at him," I'm glad you're alright, Mateo. I had expected to see you in the morning."

"I wasn't sure whether it was safe to come back yet," he shrugged, before staring at her wide-eyed," and you won't believe this, my little Ella brought over three boys! Three! I was cursing at the rascals al night, but this morning my Sebastian got arrested as well, so I was quite distracted."

"Do you want me to check up on her?" Delilah asked.

"Perhaps later," he sighed," I know you have a lot on your plate now. I am worried though, they are still my innocent children to me, despite how tall they've become."

"Is Sebastian alright?" Delilah said as she headed to her cupboard, hand absentmindedly grazing against the lemon cakes as she took them out.

"Yeah," Mateo grinned," he made me proud. He always does though, so that isn't anything new."

"What about Ella then?" Delilah said as she looked over her shoulder," do you get bad vibes from the guys?"

Mateo hesitated, shaking his head then.

"They seem nice," he said," there's this one kid called Levi, I prefer him the most. He reminds me of one of my close friends when I was younger." He chuckled, gaze far away for a moment. "He used to always be so bitter as well."

Sitting down, she waited for him to continue as she took a lemon cake out of the wrapper and placed it between her teeth, taking a small bite. The next time she saw the Reaper she would buy these again for him, if he wanted to stay longer then. Mateo parted his lips to say more, but all of a sudden the whole world spun and when she opened her eyes, she wasn't in her room anymore.

She was in a dark corridor, sitting on steps of black cobblestone as she hummed a song about death, velvet ribbons tied in her dark hair. It felt like she was watching a movie in her own body, unable to move her hands or anything else, a dream she had no control over. At that moment footsteps resounded through the hallway, a hand running through her hair, the locks slipping between the stranger's fingers like silk.

When she looked up her eyes widened, but the girl's did not, a charming smile instead appearing as she locked eyes with the Grim Reaper. Delilah would recognize him anywhere and yet he seemed like a totally different person, with bright eyes and a smile which told her he was infatuated.

"You're so delicate," he murmured," it scares me sometimes, seeing as you are my whole world."

"You are the only one who views me that way," she chuckled, taking his hand in hers as she tilted her head up at him," you know people are terrified of me at Vox Dei. I never visit anymore."

"You don't have to," he said, crouching down in front of her on his knees, like he was worshipping her," all those gods do is make noise, but you -" He lifted her hand to his cheek, resting against it as he closed his eyes. "It's so quiet with you, I am at peace."

"I am the same with you," she said, cupping his cheek," there's nothing I fear as much as losing you, Helio. I would rip all those souls I have woven apart, only to save you."

He opened his eyes again, parting his lips to say something, but before he could he froze. Whatever he caught in her eyes, it made him jump backwards, elbows on the cold floor as he looked up at her, shocked.

"What are you doing here?" he said," how are you in my dream?"

Delilah attempted to speak and at that same moment a voice which was hers but wasn't at the same time said her words, sounding just as surprised as him.

"I'm sorry," she said," I didn't mean to intrude -"

He moved back towards her, hand roughly pushing her chin up as his eyes became dark again, hair tousled from his fall.

"You are not supposed to be here, Delilah."

She woke up then.

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