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"Not again!" Sunhye groaned as she set her sandwich aside.

Dami, Sunhye's partner in crime, who was peacefully eating her own sandwich jumped as she looked at her best friend's sudden burst.

"Can you not shout all of a sudden? I'm eating my sandwich in peace here.. the disrespect" she rolled her eyes and eyed her best friend and once again spoke.

"Food got stuck on your teeth again?" She raised a brow as she waits for the other to respond.

"Yup" she sighed.

"Figured." She said and continued eating her sandwich without sparing a glance on the person beside her.

It isn't a day without Sunhye's constant whine towards her braces, making Dami already used to it. I think.

Meanwhile, the person beside Dami, a.k.a Sunhye scoffed as she watched her best friend continued eating her sandwich as if nothing happened.

Sunhye rolled her eyes and let out a sarcastic remark. "Gee, thanks for your concern."

Dami finally glanced on her and rolled her eyes once again.

Having some food stuck on your teeth whilst having braces doesn't look too painful. Dami thought her Best Friend was just being dramatic. She shook her head and continued munching her delicious sandwich not thinking about her Best friend's problem.

Meanwhile, Sunhye was focused on trying to get the food that is stuck on her teeth using her tongue. As she kept on trying, her tongue got caught up on the wires on her braces.

She then felt a sudden metallic taste and she hated it. Sunhye then realised that her tongue is bleeding.

Dami jumped at the sudden shout. She looked at her best friend only to see her panicking.

Sunhye stood up and faced her best friend who stopped chewing her food to stare at her with a what-happened look.

She answered, "Mah tang ish weeding." Her best friend then shot her a what-does-that-supposed-to-mean look. Sunhye sighed and pointed at her tongue to which Dami finally understood what happened.

"Go." was all she said and shooed her away with her hand as if it's not a big deal.

Sunhye then waved her hand as a sign of farewell and turned around to walk to the clinic leaving her best friend, who is seating at the bleachers, alone.

As Sunhye was heading towards the clinic she happened to pass by a club room. She took a quick glance and was about to turn back till she realised who was inside.

She stopped on her tracks and quickly hid behind the wall separating the club room and the hallway. Her eyes soften as she stare at the person inside the room.

Yang Jungwon.

A boy who was in a grade higher than Sunhye. He has those big yet cute eyes, cute dimples, a cute nose, a beautiful smile, tall, a black belter in Taekwondo. One kick he would send you flying off the ground. In short, perfect. That's how Sunhye described him.

She can't help but smile as she watch her crush practice his kicks in the empty room. As his feet met contact with the punching bag, it would leave a loud echo. She completely forgot her probably swollen tongue as she just focus on nothing but him.

She then snapped back into reality as she once again felt the metallic taste on her tongue. again.

"Huck" which was supposed to come out as fuck.

She cursed quietly but enough to grab Jungwon's attention as he's the only one in the room and then again, because of the quiet atmosphere.

He stopped on what he was doing and turned towards the source of the sound which was on the other side of the wall separating the club room and the hallway. His eyebrows furrowed and quietly approached towards her to which the girl isn't aware yet.

Jungwon stopped right at the door frame and finally saw a girl who was completely in despair. He stood there awkwardly for a few second and then spoke "Are you okay?"

The girl jumped after hearing him. Her heart didn't fail to skip a beat as well. Her eyes found its way on the person in front of her looking concerned with his brows slightly furrowed.

She squeaked out of nowhere. She covered her mouth with both of her hands feeling embarrassed as she feel her face heating up. With that, she quickly shifted her gaze on the floor.

She waited for him to speak but only heard a chuckle. Her eyes slowly diverted towards him. He then stopped, his lips forming a thin line making his dimples appear to which Sunhye found cute.

"So uhh, did something happened?" He asked.

The only words Sunhye managed to speak was "Cilinic, weh?" Even though she knew where the clinic was located she can't help but ask the boy still.

He was confused, brows furrowed once again. He didn't understood what the girl said, all he did was blink and stare.

Eunbi then opened her mouth and slowly said the word clinic again. She said each syllable slowly to which the boy had his lips formed an 'O' shape indicating that he finally understood what the girl meant.

"2nd floor, first room on the left." Was all he said. Sunhye then bowed twice feeling shy. She awkwardly waved a goodbye to the boy and made her way towards the stairs.

She felt that it was somewhat rude to just leave the boy hanging but then again she bowed twice so she guessed that it was good enough.

She cupped her cheeks and shook her head remembering their interaction not so long ago.

"DAMIII" Sunhye shouted dragging the 'I'. She ran towards her best friend who was walking in the same hallway as her.

She didn't mind the confused and judging stares of the students walking, sitting or getting their stuff inside their locker.

"Oh wow, I see that you're all better." She finally spoke when Sunhye was now on her knees panting trying to catch her breathe. Instead of replying to what Dami had say, Sunhye spoke out a new topic.

"I talked to Jungwon." She said with a big smile plastered on her face feeling proud.


A/n: Changed some parts and added some more words. I hope all of you have a great day !


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