The only people I know who are always up for a game of quidditch, other than myself of course, would be the twins, and Harry. And I'm not too bad compared to the chosen one himself and the two hotheads with the bats. I'm a chaser, and a damn good one at that.

Once everyone had made it outside, we all got situated. Hermione sitting against the outside wall of the burrow, the rest of us finding brooms minus George and Fred who sped off to get the box with all of the playing balls.

"Okay! Ginny, you're with Georgie and I, the cooler team clearly. No offense Harry and Ron." I said, laughing.

"What? That is not fair, if you get George, I get Ginny!" Fred whined.

Harry and Ron stood next to him looking quite offended at the backhanded complaint.

"You snooze, you lose Freddie boy. Cmon, let's start. Unless you're already scared you'll lose?"

"Scared? Not of anything coming from you Serrano." Fred spat.

Hermione gave a countdown and the game started fast with no intention of slowing down. Brooms were flying back and forth past me in ginger blurs. One in specific had caught my eye for a reason I couldn't explain.

I paused for a moment, and admired Fred's smiling face. His cheeks were freckled and rosy, and his hair was pushed out of his face from the wind. Quidditch is where he was always at his best for as long as I knew him. But then it was almost like he felt me staring at him because sure enough he cocked his head in my direction. Noticing my admiration, he looked at me with a smirk.

The smirk quickly dropped into a look of alarm, "Dyl watch out!"

It took no time after that for me to realize a bludger was headed straight for me. Before I could even move out of the way, the ball had knocked me off of my broom sending me down to the ground.

Holy shit what just happened?

I open my eyes to see Hermione standing over me looking extremely worried and already casting a spell. My vision was blurred and everything was spinning around me.

I cried out as a shockwave of pain ran through my left leg. My ears were ringing and I was just regaining my breath from the fall.


"Mione, it's okay, I'm fine" I tried to sound convincing, sitting myself up. "I just- SHIT" No this is not fine. Wow, this is painful holy shit.

One by one everybody else scrambles off of their brooms to come see what had happened, as I failed to lift myself up off the ground, again. "Are you not able to walk Dyl? It's that bad? Oh shit. Mums gonna kill us." Ron sighed under his breath, rubbing the back of his neck, earning a smack behind the head from Hermione. "That's what you're concerned about Ronald?"

Fred knelt down and scooped me up bridal style, "Enough of that, you bloke. Clearly she's in pain. Help me get her inside."

Wrapping my arm around Fred's shoulders and dramatically throwing my head back, "So, Freddie. Does this mean my team won?", with a sweet innocent smile.

"I don't think so, Serrano. It's not gonna be that easy. You think you can guilt me into a loss because you're hurt? Well love, I'll tell you what," He said as we made our way into the living room. "You're gonna have to try a lot harder than that." He drops me onto the couch hysterically laughing.

As he drops me, I hit my foot on the arm of the couch, and without hesitation out came a nice loud, "Ow, fuck!!"

"Oh shit I am so sorry." Fred disappears into the kitchen and comes back with an ice pack and glass of water.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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